Today is the day

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Being woken up by brother wasn't the best thing to wake up to especially when I'm still tired and want to sleep more. "Georgia come on get up were going for breakfast". "Where to ? ". "Ihop" , Luke said. I was hungry so I told him "alright give me 30 minutes and we can go". "Make it quick I'm starving ". "Yeah,yeah I will " I said. 

Getting up finally headed to the restroom I did my business and got cleaned up. I threw on some shorts and white loose top and some white vans with high pony tail. Looking my best as always , me and my brother eventually took off to Ihop.

We took a seat and ordered. I ordered my favorite chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup and Bacon with a smoothie. My brother ordered the regular orange juice , Bacon and pancakes.

After eating we drove around looking for a place to find me a outfit for tonight. In one of the stores write went in I found a white skater skirt and a blue crop top. My brother also bought me Jeffrey C. boot/heels. "Thanks brother u really didn't have to buy me a outfit I could of wore something I brought with me"."I wanted to, you didn't bring much and your going to see Justin there and he might notice you, plus u know u want him sis theres no denying it". "Oh my gosh bro keep it PG, I hope he notices me that would be great"."I bet he's more handsome in person than pictures "I said.

We went back to the hotel,.it was only 2 I had a hour till I can start getting ready so I just layed around and watched tv till 3:30.

When 3:30 came around that's when I got up and rook another shower but took my time. I washed my hair using my favorite strawberry shampoo and dove bar soap and Paris Hilton body wash. I shaved my legs and under arms. Got out and dried off and put my new outfit on and nude colored cardigan. Added a Tad of makeup and took some selfies. I knew I was looking good so was brother he was on fleek. We took some pictures together then left at 5:30 to the fight. When we finally arrived I was so hyped and excited. We got out and showed the tickets and stuff. We headed to our seats sitting next to each other waiting for something to happen..

Vote and comment plz next part will be better
Next chapter will be published tomorrow ♥

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