1.Love You Like Oxgygen

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Every Since Cale was a child

He had been peculiar with his food

That was one of the reasons Beacrox was able to become a chef

After months of Cale fighting with food

Beacrox sandwich he made when he was bored with left overs was the first thing he liked

Immediatly after that Beacrox was taken under the chef as an apprentice

And more Likely then not

Cale Ate Beacrox food. And Beacrox and Cale were too close becaus of it

But that was before

Now Many Years after Jour the Countess Passed away

Beacrox food no longer satisfied Cale

And Beacrox soon thought of him as nothing but a brat

But Our story has nothing to do with that

Our Story starts

When our dear Trash is wandering around...at night

Ik our poor beauty

And he smells

The most amazing smell ever

And he follows it

Because its not even a smell
Gets him so interested and hungry

And when he does

It leads him to the cafe

That was founded a little while ago

Cale Sees the name

Hallowberry Cafe?

What a strange name

Yet Cale ignores the smell

In part of the cries

It was from the back of the Cafe

Cale carefully sneaks around the back

The door is slightly open

And he can see three handsome but strange looking men

Cale decides to listen in

"Urgh! They won't grow!"

"I can't believe how bad wr are at growing things"

"We have to start growing our food supplied we can't always buy it from the markets it takes to mucb of our money!"

"But nothing we do works!"

"Sigh we still have some supplies we will have to use the rest of them until we can figure out how to get these damn plants to grow!"

"Come on lets eat"

The three men left

Cale sighs

He can't believe he is doing this

But these people are making delish smelling food

And so many seem to enjoy it

And from them he heard they offer very fair prices

He could not let such a great place fall

So Cale went inside

You see ever since Cale was a child..he had a special gift with anything of nature

A plant could be dying and within a few seconds of his care it could be the healthiest plant you ever saw

He often helped the gardeners

But only at night and early in the morning

And he had to stop after he was beaten

So Cale thought this might as well be the time he starts to garden again since healing

So he quietly entered the room where he saw the man place the plants

He entered the room

It had everything a plant needed

It was just a mess

So slowly but quietly Cale cleaned up

He snipped and trimmed and cleaned all the excess dirt around

He watered the plants that needed to be watered

He moved the plants that will not grow next to each other well

He replanted the ones that needed more shade then sun
And more sun the shade

Yes its obvious someone came in and changed stuff

But they shall not complain if they want the plants to grow

And soon the plants florished in seconds

Cale never knew why but it happens

What he can't see what no one can see is golden dust he leaves on the plants that dissolve and immeadiately make the flowers florish atleast if they are in the right environment

And Cale leaves with a fond and soft smile

What he doesn't know is three men saw him

The careful care

The very obvious happiness

And the way everything florished

Yet they could also see the sadness in his eyes

"Can we keep him?"

"Jung Soo!"

"But Rok Soo Can we?????"

"Soo Hyuk you too!?"

"Rok Soo Come onnnn"

"Fine we'll keep him He's ours now we'll commit treason and kidnap him from the count family"


Rok Soo sighed

Why did he have to be the one to put up with this


My 51st storyyyyyy

I have to many story ideas


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