Chapter 2: The night we met I knew I needed you so

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Noel sighed.
He didn't want to go to his classes.
He had already gone through twelve years of school, did he really have to go through more?
It's not like he could skip his first day of college, though, as much as he would like to.
So, he begrudgingly got out of bed.
He was a bit startled when he saw Mischa in the kitchenette before remembering that he had roommates.
He definitely lucked out on roommates. Ricky seemed nice enough from their few interactions albeit Noel couldn't really talk to him. He made a mental note to learn sign language.
And then there was Mischa.
For some reason, Noel couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything about that boy was just... so... perfect.
His adorable accent, his fluffy hair, the way he got excited when he talked about the things that he loved, everything. Noel had only known Mischa for a day yet he was convinced that they were soulmates.
The only problem was that he was almost definitely straight.
And engaged.
It was just something Noel would have to get over. Just a small crush. It would pass.
"Do you want bagel?" Mischa asked, bringing Noel back to reality.
"Oh! Sure," He responded, grabbing the everything bagel that Mischa was offering.
Mischa smiled and Noel started blushing like crazy. He just hoped Mischa wouldn't notice.
Then he saw Mischa take out his phone and start typing. Noel's heart sank. He was probably texting his fiance.
He had a fiance! Noel needed to get rid of this stupid crush quickly.
"I told you about my Talia, right?" Mischa asked.
It felt like someone was stabbing Noel repeatedly just listening to this.
"Yeah. She's your fiance, right?" Noel replied.
"Yes. She is very wonderful. I will marry her when I go back to Ukraine," Mischa said happily.
How could the universe be so cruel?
"What class do you have first today?" Noel asked, trying to change the subject.
"Intro to songwriting. It seems cool," Mischa said.
"I have that too!" Noel exclaimed excitedly. Maybe a bit too excitedly.
"That's cool! Do you like to write songs?" Mischa asked.
"I'm more of a poet, but, yeah," Noel responded.
"I'd love to read your poems sometime," Mischa said. Noel's heart leaped.
"Well... I've never actually written a poem," Noel explained, embarrassed.
"Well, now you can start!" Mischa said.
Noel nodded.
"We should probably get going," Noel said, looking up at the clock.
"Yes. It's good that we have class together!" Mischa said, smiling. Noel could add his smile to the list of wonderful things about Mischa.

"So what's it like living in Ukraine?" Noel asked as the two walked to their class.
"It's good. I lived with my mother, but she died. Then I lived alone, but I go to college in Canada now," He said.
"I'm sorry about your mom," Noel replied.
"It's alright. She would be happy knowing I am here," he said.
"I've always wanted to go to Europe," Noel told him.
"It's nice there. I like it," Mischa said.
"So, do you like songwriting?" Noel asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. He loved a good tragedy, but he didn't want to make Mischa sad.
"Well, I like some types of songwriting," Mischa said, a bit embarrassed.
"I think this class will be good, then," Noel said as they walked in.

Noel had always imagined what his first college class would be like, but it was strange to actually be here, looking at all the people.
There were so many people already! It was a bit overwhelming. Noel had gone to public school his entire life and was smart enough to know that he was just a number to the education system, but it was glaringly obvious looking at the 150 or so students.
"I should take a picture for Talia. She will be happy to see I'm here," Mischa said. Noel still felt like he was being stabbed with seven different daggers at once. He didn't know why this boy made him feel like this.
Before Noel could wallow in self pity any longer, their professor started speaking.
"Welcome to introduction to songwriting! Over the course of the year, you'll learn all you will need to know about song structure and lyrics to build a good foundation. Today, I'll go over the course," their professor said before telling them more about what they would do this year.
It was painfully boring. Mischa must've thought it was boring too, since all he did the entire hour was text Talia.
At last, the class was over and Noel could rest a bit before going to his next one.
He and Mischa didn't talk at all walking back to their dorm, but it wasn't awkward at all. Noel loved talking, but walking in comfortable silence with a friend might just be better. Especially if that friend happens to be Mischa.
Noel sighed. There was no way Mischa was ever going to like him back, but what's the harm in dreaming, at least for now?

(A/n: Thanks for reading the second chapter! Noel is so down bad I love him sm. Yeah this fic is mostly nischa but I added a bit of perfectdolls for good measure. Anyways, I hope you liked it!)

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