𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 | 𝟏𝟑

Start from the beginning

"Villains, we are aware of your presence and demand that you come out at once," shouts Tokoyami. "Yeah unless you are scared of a couple of high-school kids," Ojjiro joins in on the taunting. "There's 4 or 5 of them surrounding us. It seems like some of their quirks need time to load," Hakugure appears from behind them as she put back on her gloves.

 "Okay, we need a plan, the only one of us here that can make long-distance attacks is Aoyama, so we'll need to take advantage of that," all of our heads turn to Aoyama who stares back sheepishly. "That may be so, but I can't use my quirk so freely like that," he explains. "You may not, but you won't have to if we know exactly where they are," states Tokoyami. "What if we just shoot one of them and then escape, they'd be forced to come out from hiding and chase us," 

"That just might work, good Idea shoji," Ojjiro agrees. Behind shoji's mask, he faintly smiled. Maybe it𝙒𝙖𝙨 possible for him to make some friends at UA.

After examining the area, we decide to aim for the villain left of us. Hakugure helps Ayoyama position himself and once he blasts the villain we all bolt through as fast as we could. "After them," One of the villains shouts, the group of criminals chasing after us. I hadn't even known I could run as fast as I did at that moment. The villains follow us closely, slowly but surely catching up to us. One of the villains activates their quirk, using the surrounding debris and throwing it at us.  Tokoyami's dark shadow blocks the attack protecting us from the villains. "What do we do now," exclaims Hakugure. "We can't keep running forever." 

"Then let's not run," states Ojjiro, stopping in his tracks. I knew what he meant. Our only option was to fight. I stand beside him in a fighting stance. I wasn't going to run from a couple of low-level thugs. The others join behind us, dark shadow looming from above. We have a stare-off with the villains before Ayoyama blasts one of them in the face, commencing the battle. I use my many limbs to disable the villains, ultimately knocking some of them out. One dude kicks me hard in the face, sending me flying backward. That must be his quirk. Someone else lands a hit on Tokoyami and makes him levitate. Ojjiro smacks someone with his tail, causing the villain to fall to the ground.  The Gravity villain lunges at me but is sent flying back by Dark shadow. I shoot him a nod of thanks before Forming multiple arms and Knocking the last of the villains out. Panting, I regroup with the rest of my fellow students. For some reason, although all of the villains were unconscious, Tokoyami remained floating around in the air, the only thing keeping him from floating away being Dark shadow, who was holding him down. "

Now that these guys are down, what's next," asks Hakugure. "We find Rio and get to the entrance, from there we can find an adult of some sort I'm sure," answers Tokoyami. "But how will we find her," questions Ayoyama, who was clutching his stomach due to the overuse of his quirk. While they continue to conversate, I activate my quirk and shoot out one of my limbs, forming eyes and ears at the end of it. I search for any sign of Rio until I see her fighting villains on a rooftop. 

"Found her," He exclaims to the rest of them. "Really? Where?" asks Aoyama curiously. "She's on a rooftop surrounded by villains," Shoji explains.  They nod but seem to have opinions of their own. "Are you sure that we should go find her," contemplates Hakugure. "She might be working with the villains and communicating with them on the rooftop."

Dissent stirs through the group. She had a point. Their teachers warned them to be wary of her; and that she could be a potential villain spy. But on the other hand, she might not be, and the villains were about to capture her. Shoji didn't know what to do, and neither did the others. "I say we take a vote," Ojjiro suggests. The students agree with the idea. "Whoever thinks we should leave her and head to the entrance raises their hand and those that think we should check on Rio keep it down." 

Hakugure raises her hand, very slowly and awkwardly. No one blamed her. Even Shoji was having Second thoughts about what to do. Ojjiro raised his hand shortly after.

After a few moments of contemplation, Shoji kept it down. Rio was nice to him on her first day, and he didn't want to judge someone so quickly when he didn't have all the facts. 

Surprisingly to him, Aoyoyama kept his hand down as well. Shoji wondered why. From what he knew, Rio and Ayoyama never even talked. Not that he was upset with his friend's decision, just a bit surprised. The last person that hadn't decided was Tokoyami, and he didn't know what to choose. Shoji hoped that his friend would agree to go find Rio. Tokoyami considered his options. He could go t the entrance and try to escape, or he could go and look for someone who is either a villain or in serious danger.

Before, Tokoyami decides, Ojjiro shoots his hand down and exclaims, "I've changed my mind, if Rio isn't a villain, then she might really need our help right now, and that's what heroes are here for right? To help people,"

"I agree, Although it might be a trap, We should still try to help anyone who might be in need," hakugure agrees. "I, also think we should look for her." States tokoyami. 

"Guess that settles it then," Shoji says, and the students begin to organize their plan.

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