chapter 27 ( playing with fire )

En başından başla

Keshia : I messed up really bad

Ruth ( keshia ) : What happen now

Keshia : I was in an argument with zac and i kinda mentioned his girlfriend name

Ruth : Wtf keshia , you had one fucking job and you couldn't even do that

Keshia : Am sorry am gonna get us out of this

Ruth : How keshia  you're the reason this is happening to me and mommy we can't even be in our own home without someone watching our house

Keshia : Am sorry i promise ill make it right

Ruth : We told you not to get caught up in this shit but no you had to be selfish all because of money you told us you not sure if the baby is zac or quincy now all of a sudden your sure its Zachary

Keshia : Am sorry okay ill make this right

Ruth : How keshia Cause if that baby turns out to not be zac that man is gonna Kill all of us you heard him the first time

Keshia : I know sis am sorry

Ruth : You still didn't answer my question ,how are you doing to fixed it

Keshia : I don't no am thinking

Ruth : Did zac ask how you no fatima

Keshia : Yes i told him that his friend mentioned her name the other day when i was there

Ruth : Did he believe you

Keshia : I dont no i think he did cause he said okay

Ruth : Then i think you no who you need to call

Keshia : Yes i know ,ill talk too you later

Zoe : Mommy why are we still here am hungry

Keshia : Am sorry baby mommy had to make a call ...Do you want to go at aunty ruth

Zoe : Yes mommy i want too go

Keshia : Okay let's get you some pizza then I'll drop you off okay

Zoe : Yes mommy 

30 minutes later keshia drop zoe off by her aunt but she still didn't think of a plan so she called the person who she didn't want too

Ring Ring........

Shawn : hello

Keshia : Hey can we talked

Shawn : Sup baby

Keshia : I think i might have fucked up

Shawn : Wtf keshia what did you do

Keshia : I might have mentioned fatima name today to zac

Shawn : Shit did he suspect anything

Keshia : I dont no am not sure

Shawn : Okay let's see how it all plays out

Keshia : But we got a bigger problem

Shawn : What is it now

Keshia : Am not sure if Zoe is his

Shawn : Wtf you mean you not sure you said she was his

Keshia : Yes but am having seconds thoughts i didn't no he would ask for a DNA

Shawn : What the fuck you mean you didn't no of course he would ask for one especially since he didn't no about her ,we asked you and you said yes now you not sure wtf keshia

Keshia : Am sorry what are we going to do

Shawn : Fuck fuck

Keshia : I messed up

Shawn : What hospital y'all did the DNA test at

Keshia : Angela's Memorial Hospital

Shawn : Okay ill handle it

Keshia : Don't thank me yet ( hang up ) ,, ,


Monica : Hey bro i didn't no you was comig here

Shawn : I just wanted to see you its been a while

Monica : Yeah it has been over 1 year i would say

Shawn : Am sorry about that sis work has been crazy but i need a favor

Monica :I knew they was a reason you came here that's the only time i see your ass

Shawn : Don't do me like that sis

Monica : Okay what do you want if its something i can help you with ill try my best to do so

Shawn : Well it has something to do with that test infront of you

Monica : What test

Shawn : The test that concerns Zachary Taylor

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