Lan Zhan felt for him.

Both of their worlds had changed so much and nothing had removed the complex uncertainty that seemed to shroud their every day.

"Wei Ying only has a couple more days to go at the Coffee shop. How do you feel about that?" Lan Zhan points out, hoping to distract him from his preoccupation with danger.

Wei Ying brightens immediately, and Lan Zhan can see whatever he's thinking, it's already good for him.

"Now that I've had the time to get used to the idea, I kind of can't wait? You know, I feel anxious about waiting for it to come. I'm excited, both to be your partner and write our book. And I want to explore other things which I never had time for." His knee bounces with excitement.

"Such as? What has Wei Ying always wanted to do?" Lan Zhan wondered what it could be, that has turned Wei Ying into a bright red giggling mess of a beautiful man.

He's truly so cute!

"I wanted to try my hand at painting." Wei Ying whispers this as if it's a huge secret.

And Lan Zhan supposes it is, because he doubts Wei Ying has told anyone this before.

"At home or lessons?"

"How about both?"

"I hear body paint is a thing..." he lets that hang between them.

" offence, but ew?" Wei Ying scrunches up his face in distaste.

"Edible, chocolate body paint." Lan Zhan clarifies, loving the new and somehow even stronger blush on Wei Ying's face as he gets what Lan Zhan is implying.

It's a solid request.

And Lan Zhan doesn't mind who does who...


It's just past nine in the morning when they park the car at one of the many parking lots near the beach.

It's a bright, sunny day with warm sunshine colouring everything a tea hue of golden rays. They all use sunscreen, even Lan Zhan because he doesn't want anyone asking questions. Then he hoists three bags of towels, bathing costumes and a cooler full of fun snacks and drinks out of the boot, while Wei Ying holds the hands of their children.

He offered to help Lan Zhan, but the latter refused, saying he could manage perfectly well.

Again, Wei Ying was reminded how good it felt to be taken care of. It was heartwarming to have a partner in everything, one who so obviously cared about them, actively wanting to look after all of them.

All this time, he hadn't understood about the Lan Zhan shaped hole in his heart, one that was constantly waiting to be filled. They were a family of oddly shaped jigsaw puzzle pieces, and somehow, they all managed to slot together so perfectly.

Both A-Yuan and A-Yi marvelled at the sand their feet sunk into as they climbed the first dunes that rose up before they could see the sea.

And then, there it was.

Bright and sparkling, mysterious and deep, and still inviting, it was a strong vivid blue, the darker hombre to the sky, no less blue but a cerulean, lighter colour. Gold sands all along the length of the sea provided the perfect contrast, with startlingly white seagulls and their yellow beaks completing the scene.

Wei Ying looks towards the children and finds Lan Zhan doing the same.

They're in awe.

"Why is there so much of it?" JingYi recovers first, scrunching up his eyes.

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