Chapter 2

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I- We are back with Loren Tate and our very special guest Eddie Duran. Loren, you still look completely shocked

L- I am! What are you doing here?

E- What I can't surprise the love of my life?

Cr- Awww

E- No I mean I missed you and we haven't been apart this long before


I- How long has it been?

E- A few weeks

I- That must be hard

L- It is, but we talk all the time

E- Yeah thank god for FaceTime, I can't stand not seeing this beautiful face

I- So Eddie let me just say on behalf of I'm sure everyone here and watching, thank goodness you didn't die

E- Yeah so am I

Cr- Laugh

I- Loren what was it like for you? Eddie being gone? I can imagine it was hard

L- It really was, but, um, you know I never gave up on him

I- What do you mean?

L- I know it sounds corny, but I would have felt it in my heart if Eddie were really gone

Cr- Awww

E- She never gave up hope on me, that's one of the things I love the most about her

Hand Kiss

I- Now before you go I want to play a little couples game with you two to see how well you two really know each other

L+E- Okay

I- Alright Loren let's start with you, what if anything would Eddie say about you annoys him the most?

L- Oh easy, that I have very low self-esteem

I- Eddie?

E- She's right

I- Excellent! Ok Eddie same question for you

E- Oh the same thing, my low self-esteem

I- Loren?

L- Yep

I- Awesome! Ok Loren back to you, what is eddies favorite food?

L- Any kind of takeout


L- I mean it! He's almost burnt down the apartment what seven times since we met?

E- Maybe ten


L- He can't even make tea!

E- Oh well yeah I will give you that one

L- See, and also if were driving and he's hungry he goes to the first takeout place he can find

Cr- HAHAHA, Clapping

I- Adorable. Ok Eddie and what's Loren's favorite food

Eddie and Loren turn to each other and start hysterical laughing

I- What?

E- Loren why don't you say it

L- Oh no that's ok

I- What is it?

E- Well I'm going to get a lot of hell for this after we leave here but when Loren was little her favorite food was lasagna, but she could never say it right

I- Oh because of the silent g

L- (Blush) Yeah... You're gonna get it later Ed

E- Love you babe...

L- Mhm

E- See!

I- Haha, alright we are officially out of time. Thank you both so much, y'all are adorable and I wish you the best

L+E- Thank you

Cr- Clapping

Camera starts pulling away and you see Eddie whisper something in Loren's ear, she laughs and they kiss.

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