[1] beginning of the end

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"Don't yell at us! We tried to convince mom but she wouldn't cave, we wanna go see her just as much as you." Mindy said.

No, you really don't. I thought

"Whatever." I said walking upstairs to get ready.

That morning I didn't take as long to get ready since I didn't have much time, I had showered and picked out an outfit the night before, so now I only had to do my makeup and brush my teeth.

I had picked out a low rise black leather dress, and a dark red tank top to go underneath. I put on long dark red socks that matched my tank top and put on black leather boots that only showed the top of my socks.

(the outfit)

Once I had finished my makeup and did my hair I put on the outfit I had picked out, I went to the bathroom and put on some deodorant and brushed my teeth

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Once I had finished my makeup and did my hair I put on the outfit I had picked out, I went to the bathroom and put on some deodorant and brushed my teeth.

I walked downstairs when I was done "I'm driving you guys to school today." our mom said, I grabbed an apple before leaving.

Once we got to school me, Mindy and Chad all got out of the car and walked inside. A bunch of people were gossiping about what happened to Tara and I couldn't deal with it. I ignored most people that day other tab my friends.

At the end of the day I walked outside and saw Mindy, Chad, Wes, Amber, and Liv sitting on a picnic table. I walked towards the group and sat down with them.

"There's a psycho out there. You make yourself harder to find. Delete social media, tape over your phone camera, disable GPS." I heard Wes say, "Ah yes, thank you very much, Edward Snowden." my brother said.

"Honestly Wes is right, you guys need to stay on the down low." I said agreeing with my best friend, he gave me a look of appreciation and I nodded back. "Whatever, Wes your mother just interrogated me about Tara's attempted murder, which was very fun." Chad said.

"Can we please not call it her attempted murder, she survived and that's all that matters." I said getting annoyed of the topic. Tara survived and that's all that matters, can't everyone just drop it?

"Chad i'm sure she's asking everybody. I mean, Ghostface is back." Wes said, "The press still isn't saying Ghostface." Mindy said disagreeing with Wes.

"My mom doesn't want to cause a panic." Wes said, "It'll get out by the second, or third killing." Mindy said and I gave her a look of confusion. "Jesus Mindy, there wasn't a first killing. Tara's alive." Amber said, "I mean, she could still die." Mindy said.

"Mindy don't say that shit." I said slapping her in the arm, "What the fuck!" Amber said. "Or the killer could come back for her." Mindy added, "Mindy actually shut the fuck up." I said getting pissed.

"Like fuck Mindy! Come on." Chad said, "I'm just telling you, arm up okay? Pepper spray, check, Taser, check." Wes said to us. "Girlfriend repellent, check." Amber joked and everyone laughed.

"Nice, thank you. Oh, Zoey. I got you pepper spray and a taser." Wes said handing me the things, "Thanks Wes." I said with a smile grabbing the things and putting them in my bag.

"Awh, does Wes have a little crush." Amber joked, before Wes could deny it my brother spoke up "Ew gross Amber. That's my sister." he protested.

"Shit, is that Vince?" Liv said staring at a man, "Wait. The creep you hooked up with last summer?" Chad asked, "Gross, he looks like he's thirty Liv." I said in disgust.

"Yeah. He worked with me and Tara." Liv said ignoring my comment. "He worked with Tara?"  Amber asked.

"He's been stalking my Instagram the last couple weeks, posting the creepiest shit." Liv said and Mindy took a picture. "Probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." Chad said squeezing his muscles while I cringed.

"That's the cringiest shit i've ever heard, please don't even say that again Chad." I said to my brother, "Chad, maybe it's not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff." Liv protested and the man started to walk back into his car.

"Looks like he's leaving, thanks anyways boys." Liv said squeezing my brothers arms while I cringed again. "Tara said she fought back hard. You've got bruises." Amber said accusingly, "It's from football practice." Chad protested. "Oh sure." Amber said still not believing it.

"Me, Mindy and Chad were literally watching a movie last night. Where the fuck were you Amber?" I asked now accusing her, "I was at home." the girl replied. "Alone?" I asked, before she answered she stalled "Yeah." she replied.

"Oh great alibi." I said sarcastically, before Amber could reply Wes started speaking. "Tara's awake, she just texted." he said starting to get up, "I'm gonna go to the hospital, you guys coming?" he asked. "Obviously" I said in response and everyone agreed.

"Oh wait, I can't. But i'll meet you guys later alright?" Liv said, "All right." Chad replied. Before we left I glanced back a Liv and she was looking around the field, it was as if she was waiting for someone. I brushed it off and kept walking to Wes's car.


Hey guys! I just watched the new scream today and I loved it! It gave me motivation to write this book, I think when I finish this and my obx fanfic i'm gonna write a Stranger Things one, what do you guys think? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!

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