Say hello to the intrusive thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Talking to you for a few hours made me one of your favorite person ? You sure have low standards." Minho said, not realizing immediately that what he said could be perceived as hurtful.

"No- I just- It's not like that ! I don't have low standards..." she murmured, suddenly feeling ashamed and building up the same walls that Minho took a whole afternoon to break. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..."

He thinks that you're a whore for attention.

"I'm not trying to befriend you, it is already an honor that you wanted to talk with me- "

He will tell Stray Kids that he only talked to you for a few hours and that you tried to flirt with him.

"-I was not trying to make you feel uncomfortable..."

He will never talk to you again. You gotta leave before he leave first.

"It's fine-"

Leave, he don't want to talk to you anymore, you heard him.

"-I didn't know that you would be offended-"

"-I'm not ! I genuinely understand that I overstep the mark."

You gotta leave !

"I gotta leave."

The girl stumbled back on her feet and gathered up all her belongings hurriedly, trying to ignore her idol who was visibly confused as to what was going on.

"I'm sorry, what I said sounded harsh, I didn't mean it that way."

The Frenchwoman hesitated for a moment, flinching at his world, before continuing packing her stuffs. Minho stood still for a few seconds, carefully choosing his next words in the hope of making her stay even a few minutes longer.

"You didn't overstep the mark, I did. I'm sorry if I offended you, I just... It just came out I guess. I should have been careful with my words, please forgive me."

"No! Don't apologize! I don't want people to feel guilty just because I'm too sensitive..." she said softly as she looked down at the ground, swaying from one foot to the other as she readjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"Nobody is 'too sensitive' you know." Minho quoted, frowning. She reminded him of Jisung. So much that it was disturbing. "You shouldn't think that about yourself."

"No need to comfort me..." she chuckled dryly, still refusing to look up. "You should go too."

Minho was so annoyed. But not annoyed at her, oh no ! He was annoyed at himself. He was used to always speaking his mind but he should have been more careful. For a matter of fact, she was so shy that she had not texted him back, and when she had given him a chance he had screwed up. He was not even sure she would answer him now. But she was right, he had to get Bach to the hotel if he did not want to hold everyone up. "Yes..."

"I'm really glad I got to meet you in person and spend some time with you. I'm sure Minnie is grateful for all the love you gave him today too, thanks again." she thanked him, finally looking up at him and smiling sincerely, albeit shyly.

Minho contemplated her face for a few seconds before returning her smile and looking away, watching the horizon where the sun was beginning its descent. He got up, wishing to soothe her in the best way possible, by leaving. She watched his figure disappear into the distance, amazed at the mere sight of his back moving away from her. Even from behind, under that sun and golden sky, he was beautiful. He was definitely not the visual of Stray Kids for nothing, he had not usurped his title. Even the way he spoke and the tone of his voice were charming, comforting, warm.

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