Soon the pastries were gone, the cocoa was drunk, and Illya was getting his face wiped gently by the American while Gaby turned on some music, nice and quiet.

"Are you still hungry? Do you want something else?" Napoleon said quietly as he looked at Illya with eyes full of love. Illya shook his head. He always got so quiet when he got in these moods.

"Do you want anything that's not food?" Gaby asked and Illya picked at his hands for a moment. He felt too seen under the gaze of both his lovers.

"Can I just sit and listen to music? I... I might want to bathe too..." Illya said and only spared a glance up at Gaby for a moment before looking back down at his hands. Napoleon kissed his forehead and walked toward the bathroom.

"Well I'll fill the tub and add some scents. Perhaps me and Gab will go on a short walk?" Napoleon said from the doorway of the washroom.

"Oh? What do you think, Doll? Is it okay if we go on a walk or do you want me to stay? I'm sure Solo can handle himself." Gaby said and looked between the dark haired man and the blonde. Illya looked up at her with his eyes wide and twinkling.

"I... that would be okay. Good." He said and looked down at himself. He felt... wrong. Too big for himself. Too gangly and awkward. Too much. Too much.

"Well then, have fun. I will be back soon. Gaby I'll get that candy you wanted." Napoleon said as he put on his coat and stepped out the door with a wink.

"Hey Ice pop, I got you something." Napoleon said in a sing-song voice as he locked the door and made his way to the bedroom where he heard hushed voices.

"Another treat? Bear I'm too full, save it for later." Illya whined as Gaby continued to rub a white towel around his head and neck. Napoleon smiled at him as he held a bag behind his back. He dropped the bag to be hidden by the end of the bed.

"It's not food. Me and Gaby wanted to get you something special. If you don't want it, we can always take it back, okay?" Napoleon said in a serious but caring voice. Gaby pulled back and went to put the towel on the rack to dry.

"I am... getting nervous. Why? What you get me?" Illya asked and looked a bit panicked. His hands tensed a few times against the blanket that covered his legs.

Napoleon bent down and revealed a large brown teddy bear with a tan nose and belly. It was nearly three and a half feet tall and had soft sewn eyes and nose.

Illya stared at the item with big surprised eyes and a blank face. A trained blank face. One that seemed like it wanted to show emotion but years of training kept it blank and void.

"You bought a toy." Illya said in a quiet voice, eyes drawn to look at each detail on the plush item.

" We bought you a toy. If you really don't want it I can go bring it back, no harm no foul. It's okay Peril." Napoleon offered when Illya didn't move to touch the toy or make an expression of joy or otherwise. Gaby made her way to stand between Illya on the bed and Napoleon still standing at the foot of it.

"We wanted you to have something... nice. I've got my nice pajamas and Solo has his nice soaps and such. We can always get you something else." Gaby offered to the blonde as she smiled. Illya looked at her and then back at the bear.

"You... you got me...detskaya veshch..." ( baby thing ) Illya said quietly as his breathing picked up slightly. He stared at the toy as his hands twitched against the sheets again. Grabbing tightly only to relax a bit and grab up again. Gaby raised an eyebrow at Napoleon and stepped closer to Illya.

"Do you want to touch it?" The american offered with that dashing heart melting smile he puts on only for the people he likes. With a small nod Illya answered quietly.


Napoleon extended his hand and watched as the Russian man ran the tips of his fingers gently over the fluffy body of the toy. Illya's eyes were round and sparkling as he looked over the item. He touched the soft tan paws and the embroidered nose.

They had chosen the bear for this reason. Illya sometimes felt too small for his skin. Too big, too awkward, too much. A regular bear would make it worse. However, a bear that was as long as his torso wouldn't.

Gaby moved to sit facing the tall man on the bed crisscrossing her legs. She moved to take the toy and hold it in her lap in front of the man.

"What do you think of this?" Gaby said quietly. Her eyes were kind and her voice was laced with that warm kind of affection that made Illya feel squishy on the inside.

Illya kept his eyes down on the toy. His breaths were long and only an inch away from being sighs. His stone trained face fell and revealed a nearly bratty pout and big needy eyes.

"It's soft... and big. I... May I hold it?" Illya said and looked up into Gaby's eyes. His twinkled and shone like a babe looking at a bottle.

"It's your toy. You can hold it without asking." Gaby said with a smile as he held the bear up so Illya could grasp it. She said it in that chest melting sweet voice again.

"Oh..." Illya whispered as his hands shook as he held the bear under the arms. He squeezed it and moved his fingers around against the fabric.

He slowly brought the toy forward toward his still bare chest. His eyes shifted around the bed, trying to look at the others in the room. He finally wrapped his arms around the bear's thick middle and pressed it against his skin, his breath caught in his throat. His eyes caught on a knot in the wooden floor and kept them there.

Gaby and Napoleon smiled as they watched the man hold the toy. Napoleon felt happy and smiled until he noticed the Russians shaking bottom lip.

"Peril? What's wrong? What's wrong sweetheart?" The American said as he hurried to the Russians side, squatting next to the bed.

"eto rebenok" ( this is a child ) Illya said quietly and cuddled the toy and laid his cheek on the top of its head. His lip wobbled and he rubbed his cheek against the top of the bear's head silently as the others watched him.

Gaby kept her eyes on his hands where he was holding onto the toy with such gentleness. As if the toy would break and shatter in his hands. Napoleon watched his face for any signs of anything. He just saw slightly dazed eyes, like Illya was spacing out.

"Can I go back for sleep? I am tired." Illya asked before he let out a yawn minutes later. Gaby leaned forward onto her hands and knees and kissed his forehead. Napoleon did the same before turning off the lights and closing the curtains.

"Of course. Do you want another blanket or pillow or anything?" Gaby asked as she stroked through the short blonde hair. Illya shook his head and rolled over to lay on his side, arms encircling the bear.

Such a big baby, but a baby nonetheless.

Big Baby (TMFU Agere Little! Illya)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें