
9K 97 291

Y/N - your name

L/N - last name

N/N - nickname

H/C - hair color

H/L - hair length

E/C - eye color

S/C - skin color (any and all racist remarks will be deleted.)

C/S - clothing style

B/T - Body Type (we don't discriminate people for their body >:1)

F/F - favorite food

F/D - favorite drink

F/S - favorite sweet

F/C - favorite color


In basic terms, this Y/N is gonna be a classic, dense and stupid to love kind of Y/N (not meant to be offensive :,D)
I'll be including MOST characters as love interests, but there will be select few that are platonic
I'll be putting labels above where the platonic/familial characters are!
Love ya lots!

(Partial hiatus) ♡ Fate lies within ♡ yandere!LMK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now