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"Is everyone done with the stretching? Get in your positions let's start!" Chan announced making Aera confused.

"But oppa Hyunjin is not here yet" Aera complained.

"He is at the gym" Jisung casually answered before noticing something weird and pointing it out.

"Wait- YOU really didn't know that Hyunjin is at the gym?" Aera shook her head.

"Wah..you both always know where the other is" An amazed Changbin spoke.

"Exactly! After all you two are 'bEsTiEs' " Jisung mocked.

Before Aera could say anything, the door of the practice room opened revealing a tall guy with a straight face, entering the room.

It was Hyunjin.

The moment he entered, he threw his bag and himself on the couch closing his eyes to relax a bit after the heavy workout session.

"Is Hyun getting addicted to the gym?"

Aera chuckled, trying to approach the male. But Hyunjin just stayed silent, covering his face with his palms trying to regain the energy to join the others for practice.

"What muscle did you hit today?"

Aera continued completely overlooking the fact that Hyunjin didn't answer her previous question.

"You don't need to know"

Hyunjin's tone came out cold making Aera surprised. This was the first time Hyunjin spoke like that.

Hyunjin got up, sitting straight on the couch, removing his deodrant from the bag and spraying it on his body. He threw the bag aside and stood up from the couch, stretching his body to start with the practice.

Aera also took her position not asking him anything further thinking he answered like that because he was tired.

Chan played the music and everyone started practicing the steps to "Back Door" the title track of their next album "IN LIFE".

One by one, they completed practicing all the tracks from the album. Be it dance or vocal.

"Alright! Done for today!"

Chan announced and everyone fell on the floor in sync, laying down straight catching their breaths.

Chan and Changbin soon left the practice room making their way to the studio to continue working on a track. I.N and Seungmin soon made their way to the dorm.

"Y'all want to eat at the cafetaria today or pick up takeout from somewhere else?"

Minho spoke finally getting up to leave.

"I vote takeout"

Jisung answered.

"Me too"

Felix joined.

"My salad is in the fridge I'll just have that tonight"

Aera spoke.

"I have some leftover chicken that I ordered yesterday. I'll just have that"

The first thing Hyunjin spoke since he was in the practice room.

"Okay then. Let's go?"

Minho asked and Jisung and Felix nodded picking up their bags.

"Uh...I really need to work on the choreo of "Wow" Hyun help me out na please"

Aera requested looking straight at the guy who stood up ready to leave.

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