Chapter 4. Wake Up.

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Stanley? Stanley?

He walks through the nothingness.

Stanley? Are you-

He notices a small figure in the distance over a big glowing window in the nothingness.


The Narrator rushes closer.

Please be you. Please be you.

He stops as he gets close.

The window is showing the two doors in the story from a third person view.


He wraps his hands around you.

It's really you.

He pushes you away to get a better look at your face.

You are still unconscious.

Oh Stanley...

The Narrator looks at you with a very sad gaze before picking you up in his arms.

If you'd ever know how terribly sorry I am for all this.

Narrator adjusts you in his arms before beginning to walk forward through the darkness. He wants to make sure that you are as comfortable as you ever can be.

I'm sorry.

He tucks your hair behind your ear as he looks at you.
The darkness is everywhere. You can't even see your own hands.

The trip is long. Very long.

But Narrator isn't tired. He keeps going. Holding on to you. Not letting go.

He starts humming. Something gloomy.
The tones are low and almost silent. You are still not awake.

I have always been in this never ending cycle. Nothing new, nothing old. Just this story.

The darkness continues as Narrator's footsteps echo.

Always following the same story.

He ends his sentence.

It is my responsibility to guide Stanley through this predetermined path. Yet... Now... You are not Stanley.
You are a real person.

He waits and thinks over his words.

If you're not Stanley, then. What am I suppossd to do. My story and my purpose, your friendship and what we used to do together.

Nothing will ever have a meaning. Ever again.

He continues walking.

You changed everything.

I've come to realize that there is more to life than following a set path. You showed me that, Stanley.

You showed me that there's beauty in the unknown, in the unscripted moments.

I wish you had never shown me that.

Narrator had reached the end of the limbo.

Time to wake up Stanley, you have been here way too long. His tone is cold.


You wake up in a hospital bed. On your right is a unfamiliar figure with glowing yellow eyes, you panic. You instinctively try to swing your arms at the Narrator, hoping to fend him off.
However, Narrator, being quick on his feet, easily dodges your flailing arms and pins you down onto the bed.

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