He glanced down at wills hands, near his sleeve there was blood.

Mike was confused, why was their blood on wills sleeve.

"I think your bleeding." Mike said, pointing down near wills wrist.

Wills eyes widened slightly, as he moved his arm away from mike.

"Im fine, its just a stain." Will said, but mike didnt believe him.

"Stain from what?" Mike asked.

"I dont quite remember, its from a long time ago." Will said.

Mike just nodded, not believing a word he said.

"Is Jane awake?" Mike asked.

Will nodded, as mike got up.

"Ill be back, I just need to ask her something." Mike said, slightly smiling at will.

Will nodded, softly smiling back.

Mike left wills room, going across the hall to janes.

Mike knocked on her door, a few seconds later she opened it.

"Oh hey mike, hows your eye?" She asked.

"Its fine- I uh, need to talk to you about something." Mike said.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked, letting mike into her room.

"It's about Will." Mike said.

"It's always about Will, isn't it." She laughed.

"I heard you guys talking this morning. You were yelling at him how he was wasting food? What was that about?" Mike asked.

Janes expression changed, it was more of a worried expression.

"I thought you were asleep during that time." She said.

"I was just faking." He responded.

"Okay Well, ever since school started he's been putting food on plates, and honestly just looking at it, and then throwing it away. I used to seem him eating once in a while, but ever since recently I haven't seen him eating at all. On the times he just plays around with his food, he throws it out. That's why I was getting pissed off he was wasting so much food." She finished, exhaling sharply.

"Oh, wow. That's alot. Why do you think he's not eating?" Mike asked.

"I think, he might have a eating disorder. He always gets angry when I ask him why he's not eating. And most often when I come into his room he's doing some type of workout. I mean, not eating and working out? That's not normal." She said.

"But wills already on the skinny side, why's he trying to get more skinny?" Mike questioned.

"I don't think he realizes he's doing it. I mean, I think he thinks what he's doing is normal." Jane said.

Mike nodded, trying to understand the situation.

"What can we do to fix it?" Mike asked.

"Mike, it's not just fixable. First we need to get him to a doctor to make sure he actually has one before we push anything on him. And we actually need him to agree to get tested." Jane said.

"So it's nothing I can actually do?" Mike asked.

"Not to be rude, but I think you should let his family handle it." Jane said.

Mike nodded.

"Ok, thanks for telling me Jane. I'll see you later." Mike said, as he walked out of janes room and back into wills.

Mike noticed when he walked into the room, Will was gone, but his bathroom light was on.

Mike just suspected he was using the bathroom, so he sat on the bed and waited for Will.

He noticed that the shirt that wills recently wearing was on the ground.

Mike grabbed the the shirt, looking for the sleeve with the stain on it.

He examined it, he knew for sure it was blood.

Why would will hide that fact he was bleeding at some point?

That's when Mike started to get suspicious.

Mike put the shirt down back on the ground, and stood up to walk near the bathroom door.

Mike knew it was wrong, but he wanted to make sure he was getting the right idea.

Mike bent down, looking through the keyhole.

That's when he saw it, wills wrist in the sink, blood turning the water red.

On wills wrist, there was a cut wound, one you make yourself.

That's when Mike knew what happened.

I just wanted to let you know, I'm not a expert on anorexia. I personally don't have it myself. I really hope that this isn't offensive to anyone. Ive added a few things that I've seen from a movie, (to the bone on Netflix.) and I just wanted to make sure I let everyone know. Again, I'm not a expert but I do know some things about it. I really sorry if this is inaccurate. With the SH part, I've struggled with it so I do understand it. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know it was pretty dark, but that's mostly how it's gonna be for the rest of this book. I'll do my best to keep this as accurate as I can. Goodbye for now!

Words: 1209

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