"You don't mean that do you?"

"Yes.Yes I do."

"На, ты любишь меня."(Na,you love me.)I didn't understand what RE said but I could see at soviets face,he understood what it meant.And my father seemed to know what he meant too since I could see he tensed up and unfolded his wings a bit.

"No,I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do."


"You can't deny what you know Brit,"I could see my father really tensed up at RE saying that unfolding his wings out even more.He looked at me for a split second before looking forward again.

I could understand the look he gave me as a look of,'Send me back please'.I then pressed the button behind my back and almost instantly he disappeared.RE seemed surprised and sad at my father disappearing,which seemed odd to me.

"Where'd he go?"RE questions.

"He looked at me like,'Send me back please' so I did."

"Aw-"RE also dissappears before he can even finish speaking so I looked at soviet who has the button in his hands before putting it in his pocket.

"He got annoying."

I just shrugged and put the button I had in my pocket.Meanwhile when I was doing it,Soviet pulled me into a surprise embrace.

"H-huh?Soviet,what are you doing?"

"Nothing,just hug you."


Soviet then does something I didn't expect in which he lifted up my chin when I felt my face heat up.

"S-soviet what are you-"Soviet then pulls me into a kiss,in which I do hesitate for a few seconds before kissing back,putting my arms over his neck.

BE's pov:(I am trying to make a long chapter so forgive me if it gets a bit lazy past this point.)

As I stand there,invisible,I now know my son is gay.

"Looks like our sons like each other."I hear RE says behind me.It makes me jump just for a second before glaring at him.

"When could we be able to see each other if we're protecting two different countries?"I ask,RE seems to think for a moment before replying.I look down at him,damn he's short,or I'm just tall I don't know.For a big empire though he's pretty short.

"I don't know,buuut atleast you won't be able to get away from me~"I look away rolling my eyes.

"Mhm,until we go into our different worlds sherlock."

"You do have a point,but that won't be happening yet."I look over to him but before I can reply he hugs me.I've never been fond of hugs,(I don't know if I said this yet but eh whatev)yet,when it's RE,it feels,different for some reason.

I do notice that britain and Soviet have started to walk out of the park holding hands,I might add.Yet RE doesn't seem to be letting go anytime soon,and what doesn't help is when he hugged me he trapped my arms so I can't push him away.Sad.

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