"Oh, my g- what???" I swear I heard her voice echoing in the four corners of her room.

"Oh my god, Jo. Why would you do that?" She slapped my arm multiple times causing me to scream in pain. I shielded myself with my hands eventually taking hers to stop.

"I... I don't want you to leave the school, Reese. You're my best friend and I will be too depressed if you're not there." I looked down at our hands and continued.

"We're supposed to graduate together, you're supposed to help me with my valedictorian speech, you're supposed to be in the crowd when I deliver it, you're supposed to mouth it with me if in case I get nervous and choked up at the stage..." I didn't notice my voice cracked and tears brimming my eyes.

"Ohh, Jo..." Reese pulled me in for a tight hug. My arms flew to give her the same pressure and buried my face in her neck.

I let out a soft sob when I felt Reese stroking my back. After a few seconds, she pulled me away to face her.

"But, Jo..." I didn't let her finish and shook my head.

"Reese, it's okay. It's just for the school year, just right after graduation, even breaks are excluded. So, it's fine, It's gonna be fine, I swear! I can handle Anderson." I assure her giving her my firm voice.

"You'll come tomorrow to school, right? I asked her when she kept her silence.

"I don't know, Jo. I think I'll skip this week."

I looked at her with sad eyes. In a way I understand her, she cannot show her face at school after what happened in the morning. I nodded at her and squeezed her hand.

"It's okay. You rest the whole week, rest your body and mind."

"Umm... Reese, there's more." I contemplated how will I tell her about the kiss I shared with Brittany.

Reese's brows are furrowed, waiting for me to speak.

"I... I kissed her..." Again, I watched her shocked face even exaggerating to fan herself. I don't know if I will laugh at her reaction or calm her.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." She exclaimed when she recovers.

"How the hell did that happen? Details, I need details. And don't you dare leave anything behind, Josephine!" It scares me a little bit whenever she calls me by my full name.

"Well, she was the one who kissed me but then, I found myself kissing her back."

"You've never kissed anybody, how would you know to kiss back?"

"Hmm... I don't know, when she was kissing me, I just knew."

"Interesting." Reese brought her hand to her chin and rubbed it slowly.

"But wait... Why did you kiss her back?" I stared at her and absorbed her question, 

"To be honest, I've been asking myself that ever since. I don't know why I reciprocated it."

"Did it feel good?"

"At the time, yes." I love how I can be honest with Reese about anything, I know that she will never judge me or even make a side comment, if she has to tell me something, she would tell it to my face.

"So, do you like girls now? Or... just Brittany?"

I was dumbfounded by what she just said. Do I like Brittany? Or any girl for that matter? I mean, I haven't had any romantic feelings towards anyone, boy or girl, so how would I compare it, what would be my base to know that?

"I don't know, Reese. I'm actually... confused." She nodded at me.

"When she was kissing me, I felt things that I never felt before. It was like, I was in another dimension, and I  didn't want her to stop. And when she stopped and let me go, I felt emptiness embrace my whole being." Reese stared at me with amazement.

"Wow!" She exclaimed.

"Are you in love?" It was my turn to stare at her.


"Well, the way you describe the kiss, you sounded in love."



"I'm not in love, okay? It was, it was my first kiss, maybe the first kiss was meant to be like that." I told her not even convincing myself.

Me? In love with that she-devil? Duhh!!!

Reese was giving me a meaningful look, I know she wanted to tell me something but stopped herself to do so, I didn't push it because I'm not sure if I was ready to hear it.

"So, what are you gonna do tomorrow when you see her?"

What am I gonna do tomorrow when I see her? 

I have no idea.

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