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"Wow! It feels nice to be back! Let's meet them" Tia said. "First, let's go to sullivan-sama"

Flying at full speed, that even no one could see, tia flew to Sullivan's mansion.

"Tia-chan, welcome" Sullivan hugs tia chan tightly, tears of joy coming out of his eyes.

Finally separating him from herself with the help of opera.

" Thank you opera-senpai". Tia said breathing heavily

Opera nods. Their ears perked up as they pull Tia's cheeks.

"So getting back to business. Tell me more about the mission. More importantly where is your grandson. I want to meet him so bad" Tia whined.

"No, no tia chan you can't meet him. We can't tell him that you are his bodyguard. And you have to be very discreet about this. He should not suspect anything. There are reasons I can't tell you, but his life can be in danger." Sullivan said seriously

Tia after thinking for sometime " Is there anything special about Iruma?" As a demon you can't contain your curiosity. "Is he related to delkira sama in any way?? Or..... Is he a human?"

Lord sullivan and opera were shocked.

As expected of Tia- chan. They both thought. She was one of the strongest, wittiest demon out there.

Seeing their faces she thought, let's not pry too much, i'll find all my answers later.

"moving on, how would I enter school?" Tia asked.

"You'll be....a...student" Sullivan said after thinking a bit.

"What??" Tia and opera both exclaimed

This old man has finally gone crazy,tia thought.

"That's the only way."

"No... i mean i can keep an eye on him from a distance too. Why should i go through the same hell of being a student again."

"that method would be risky. And worry not, you won't have to study there, just attend the classes or you can be an inspection teacher that keeps the abnormal class in check."

"Ok fine, i'll be that 'inspection teacher'" tia said, still better than being a student

"Let's go! Time for some fun" Tia said loudly then headed towards the school

"chairdemon, are you sure Tia-chan can do this?" Opera said

"Aww Opera~, Don't doubt on her, you know her, she can do anything. She is the first demon which has all the qualities from strength to seduction. There is no one better than her"

Opera nodded. Maybe he's right. 

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