Chapter 1: Aim Training

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Your foot presses the brake, slowly pushing it to the floor. Your right hand forces the stick into park and the brake rises again. Your right hand then moves to the ignition, pulling the key directly out of it.

Checking your mirrors for stragglers, you step out of the police car. A clipboard laid in your lap for the ride, which consisted of the blueprints for your location- Garten of Banban. You already know what you're looking for- the missing evidence nobody else was able to find in the recently reopened case, but being a detective version of a savant, you didn't even need the clipboard. You threw it in your now unoccupied seat, shutting the door and locking your vehicle.

The scene in front of you was in shambles- the kindergarten looked awful, and you grimaced when you imagined how disgusting the inside would be. Not that it mattered, you'd be out in a jiffy. The reopening of the K-13 case had a week of wiggle room, but you'd only need two give-or-take days. You already had all of the needed keycards on your person to unlock all of the doors- recovered from a recent fire in the back of the building ignited by a vandalist. You were secretly thankful for the vandal, you've wanted on this case since you became a detective. Not that arson is a good thing.

The trunk of the car opened as you fiddled with your key fob, grabbing your notepad, camera and film, but most importantly, your gun and ammunition. The automatic whirring of the trunk closing burned your ears- an odd kink of your car. Never made that noise when it was opening.

You shrug and walk toward the entrance, placing your handgun in your waists holster and your keys in your rear pocket. The rusty bar that beholds the kindergarten occupies your hand, earning a cringe as you wipe along the dirt and muck to open the push doors. It seemed quite odd that a kindergarten had doors that pushed open inward, but you didn't mind it too much. Maybe it was to prevent kids from pulling open something so heavy. You stepped inside, your nose immediately hitching as you caught a familiar, uncomfortable scent of vomit.

It wasn't uncommon for drunkards to occupy the abandoned space, but the place was cleared of all people following the vandalism. Either way, the smell shouldn't be occurring inside, since all people visiting were outside.

Apon becoming nose blind, you can focus on your surroundings. Oddly clean chairs line parallel to a desk on your right, and on your left a door with a keycard reader mounted on the wall stood, waiting to be swiped. You resist the urge and look around for a bit, checking under every chair and inside every drawer. You notice a graphic on the wall beside a double door, presenting the familiar mascot by the name of Jumbo Josh. A little spheal was placed next to the graphic saying something about eating vegetables to become big and strong. You make note of the wall decor, sketching it out on a new page. Moving on, the only thing else of note were crumpled pieces of paper that had nothing written on them. You then walk towards the cafeteria behind the messy desk.

You soon realize this is where the odor is residing. Your hand slaps over your nose, leaving you to breathe through your mouth. You spot numerous horrific lunch trays spaced unevenly on two long tables, stockpiled with evidently spoiled food. Piles of dead flies and mosquitoes surround the plates, the only alive bugs swarming an apple for any good remnants. Another decal displayed the mascot Stinger Flynn on the back wall, mentioning how his numerous arms lets him help many people. You once again draw the odd mascot, but nothing else is prominent in the cafeteria.

You back out of the cafe and walk towards the keycard reader, scanning it with the proper card assigned through color. The light flashes green and opens- albeit very slowly. You grunt and squeeze your way through impatiently, having to finally turn on your flashlight mounted to your vest. Barren brown boxes are stacked along all walls with nothing else occupying the space. When you kicked the boxes, they toppled over, empty. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head, wondering how many rooms like this you're going to encounter.

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