"What? Why are you sorry?" Will asked.

"Because, its my fault we were out there." Mike replied.

"Mike, non of us knew they were gonna be out there. You were just trying do something nice, its not your fault." Will said.

Mike didnt respond, which usually meant will was right.

Jane came back up the stairs, her hands empty.

"Where is it?" Will asked.

"We ran out." Jane said, shrugging.

"Do you have cash?" He asked.

"I mean, I have like 5 bucks-" she was cut off before she even finished.

"Give it." He Held out his hand.

"What? You actually gonna go out in the freezing cold just to get some advil?" Jane asked.

"Yes! Now give me the money and watch him for gods sakes!" He said, standing up now.

Mike was watching the whole thing, but of course didnt say anything.

Jane sighed, before reaching into her Jean pocket and pulling out the 5 dollars.

"Watch him." Will said, Jane nodded.

Will walked out of his room, slipping on his jacket before heading out the front door.

Jane was right, it was freezing, but mike honestly needed that advil.

Will started to speed walk, reaching the closet gas station.

The gas station was closer then anything else, and he needed to get it quick.

He stepped into the store, quickly going to scan the isles.

He saw a bottle of Advil sitting on the shelf, so he snatched it up and quickly went to one of the checkout counters.

"Just this for you today?" The clerk asked, scanning the bottle.

"Yeah." Will Said.

"Ok, that will he 5.67." She said.

He quickly grabbed the 5 dollar bill out of his pocket, slamming it in the counter.

"Uhmm, thats not enough sir." She said.


He quickly fished around in his pockets, finding a quarter and a dime.

He put them on the counter.

"Still not enough." She said.

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath.

"Look, I'll cover it. Its just a few cents anyway." She said, taking the money will did give her.

Will sighed of relief, taking the bottle.

"Thank you so much." He said, before rushing to the door.

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