"Wizzieeee." The toddler immediately tells him, so I chuckle and take the bottle from Robbie, carrying Lucy into the living room.

I sit down on the couch and gently cradle Lucy in my arms, careful to position her so she wasn't laying down too much and also wasn't too upright so it was uncomfortable for her.

Not really knowing what I'm doing I slowly hold up the bottle to Lucy, making sure to tilt it gently so she didn't choke.

Clearly oblivious to my unease, the toddler quickly latches on to the soft rubber nipple of the bottle and starts quickly drinking the warm milk, making soft suckling noises as she does so.

I smile down at her in pure adoration and she looks back up into my eyes while gently gripping onto my shirt, and holding it in her tiny fist.

I keep holding the bottle until the last drops of milk were gone and Lu-Lu was nearly asleep.

Spotting her discarded pacifier on the coffee table I quickly lean forward and pick it up, replacing the bottle with the soft silicone dummy.

I continue rocking her tiny body gently as her bright green eyes start to close, and soon her breaths even out, signalling that she has gone to sleep.

"We need to buy some stuff to turn the guest room next to ours into a room for her." I turn to Robbie who was just coming into the living room.

"We can order some stuff online, leave her on the couch so we can keep an eye on her." He whispers back, smiling down at Lucy.

I nod, gently transferring the sleeping toddler onto the couch and making sure I put pillows around her and on the floor, so she didn't fall off in her sleep.

Once she was settled, me and Robbie creep into the kitchen.

Before I can say anything he picks me up and spins me around. "Robbie!!" I squeal through my laughter.

"I love you so much." He wraps my arms around his waist and kisses me passionately. "I can't believe we are finally parents!"

I kiss him back before pulling away as things start to get more heated. "There's a baby asleep next door remember." I giggle.

"Guess this will have to wait until later then." He smirks, giving me one last kiss before placing me gently down on the floor. "How about we call our parents to tell them the news and then do some online shopping while Lu sleeps?"

"Sounds good to me. How do you think they will react?" I question nervously, picking up my phone and starting a group FaceTime call with both mine and Robbie's parents.

"I'm sure they will absolutely love, Lucy." He assures me, coming to stand next to the stool I was sitting on.

I take a deep breath before pressing the big green 'call' button and waiting anxiously for our parents to pick up the phone.

Once everyone is on the call me and Robbie decide to break the news.

"So we have called you all today to tell you some exciting news about something me and Robbie have done recently." I start, intertwining my hand with Robbie's.

"You've got another book coming out?" My mom guesses.

"You're pregnant?!" Robbie's mom follows up with, making us both look at one another and chuckle.

"Well not exactly..." Robbie smiles, and all of our parents frown in confusion and so we just decide to show them.

I take my phone into the living room, making sure it was on low volume, and flip the camera so it was facing the sleeping Lucy who looked absolutely adorable with her little pacifier in her mouth and her golden curls over her face.

"Awhhhh!!" They all coo simultaneously.

"You adopted?" My dad questions, as I flip the camera back to me and Robbie as we walk back into the kitchen so we didn't wake Lu-Lu.

"Yes we did." I can't help but smile at my words. "Circumstances lead us to finding Lucy and discovering that she needed parents who cared for her. Me and Robbie immediately fell in love with the girl and finalised the adoption papers today."

"Well we are all so happy for you both!" My mom smiles widely through the phone. "You better let us meet her soon though, I want to spoil my Grandbaby!"

I hear a tone of agreement from Robbie's Mom, making both me and Robbie chuckle.

"You can all meet her once she's settled in." I promise them.

We talk for a bit longer before saying our goodbyes and ending the call.

"Well that went well." I place my phone down, leaning forward to peck Robbie on the cheek. "Are you sure we're ready for this Robbie?"

"I'm sure, Liz. We are definitely gonna make some mistakes along the way, but who doesn't with parenting? We both adore Lucy and we are gonna give her such a good life." He tells me, grabbing the laptop and opening it up. "Now let's think about getting a room set up for little miss!"


After an hour or so of me and Robbie online shopping, we manage to find everything we need from a crib, to changing tables for Lucy, and they should be arriving first thing tomorrow morning.

Just as we are ordering all the stuff, we both hear a small whine coming from the living room.

"I'll go get her." I decide, handing Robbie my credit card so he could pay for everything and then getting up and walking into the living room where Lucy was sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Heya Lucy Lu!" I smile, walking over and picking up the toddler from the sofa, moving her hands away from her face so she didn't irritate her eyes. "How was your little nappie?"

"Good..." She mumbles from around her pacifier, resting her head on my chest.

"How about we get you changed stinky and then you can go play with your toys?" I ask, bouncing Lucy up and down slightly as I make my way upstairs to mine and Robbie's room where her diapers were currently being kept.

I lay her down on an old towel and quickly take off her leggings and change her diaper as she is entertained by staring at the patterns on the ceiling and playing with Lee-Lee, who was clutched in her arms.

I pull her little black leggings back on and then lift the small girl back up so she was standing on her feet. "All cleannnn!!"

"All cwean!" She repeats, giggling and clapping her hands together, making me smile at her adorableness. "We play?"

"Yeah sweetheart, let's go play!" I stand up and lift Lucy onto my hip, carrying her downstairs to play with her toys.

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