I Hope I Exist One Day Less

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Oh, love of mine

Look what you've done

You've taken the pieces of me

And you've fixed them up

Screaming awoke the enderman from their dead sleep, entangled under his sheets he stumbles from bed shoving the sheets off. Tubbo is thrashing where he rested on Ranboo's couch, the enderman using his hand to rub gunk from their odd coloured eyes. Ruby and emerald orbs blinked rapidly as they pulled their mind from the dormancy of sleep, flicking their ears and tail awake with earrings jangling against one another.

"Bo, wake up." Ranboo coaxed the President from his nightmare, reaching his thin black hand out to the blonde's thin shoulder to shake it gently. His hair was mussed in sleep, the horns unpolished for the last several days since his orders for Techno's death.

This was not the first night Ranboo had been awoken to his howls, his eyes flashing open to catch the enderman who flinched at the eye contact. Tubbo's face trailed tears across his gaunt cheeks, one half of his face thick with scar tissue of discoloured flesh. Tubbo's nights had only gotten worse since that bloody day, his thoughts tormenting him whether in rest or awake.

"Boo?" Tubbo's voice was strained, the enderman slowly sitting beside him letting the boy curl into his long torso.

Tubbo's tears stung his neck, their enderman blood meant his skin hissed when exposed to water. Regardless, they held the tiny boy closer, one who had far too many responsibilities piled on the shoulders of a youth broken by the world. Ranboo's cloud and coal hair hung in a braid to the other side of his neck, Tubbo sobbing loudly into their black nightgown.

He had been unable to sleep in his own home since the attempted execution, Ranboo making his couch for him to sleep in. "Come on Bo, come sleep in my bed. I will keep the nightmares away."

Tugging the shorter boy over to his messed bed, they allow him to crawl in before laying down beside him. Ranboo knew he would be awake the rest of the morning anyways, they usually rose long before the rest of their city members. The enderman blood meant they didn't need as much rest, keeping watch over the slumbering boy. Tubbo heeded the sandman's call quickly once he laid his head against the enderman's cold chest, their body temperature much cooler than humans or other hybrids.

Ranboo tried to plan the day ahead, brushing their long hands through the boy's blonde hair, worrying about both their futures. The enderman knew they pissed off some powerful beings that day the anvil crashed into the stage crushing Technoblade to death. He regretted the moment Quackity roped him into chasing down a warrior who had been alive for centuries. The piglin had aeons of battle experience with a history stained in blood, chaining down his crow partner was icing on the cake for this recipe of disaster.

The middle aged looking crow avian had been nothing but kind since Ranboo awoke in this server's spawn lands, immediately offering the home he built beside his. Giving him some basic supplies the pair often shared tea while discussing the current happenings in the nation or Philza would reminisce on his times with Technoblade in the past. As someone unbiased to the world's current history, the Emerald Duo fascinated him with their shared lore.

Both were untouched by the passage of time, their flesh yet mortal to killing wounds but both had survived for millenia under the Death Goddess's blessing. Ranboo often caught Phil mumbling in an ancient language to crows with glowing vibrant eyes and stars dancing through their feathers. Once he asked the crow what he was doing and the crow explained it was how he contacted his wife, the Goddess. Blown away by that news, the enderman was constantly in awe of the crow especially and just how considerate and wise he was.

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