Rise From The Bully

Start from the beginning

From that day on, Azrul lived a happy and fulfilling life, surrounded by the people he loved and respected. He had found his strength and purpose, and he had proven to himself and to others that he was much more than just a weak and bullied kid from the city. He was a true warrior, fighting for justice and for the people he loved.

Azrul was devastated when his uncle passed away. He had lived with his uncle in the countryside for a few years and had grown very close to him. The loss of his uncle was a huge blow, and Azrul felt lost and alone. Despite the support of his family, he felt like he didn't have anyone to turn to.

After the funeral, Azrul moved back to the city with his family. He was excited to start a new chapter in his life, but his hopes were quickly crushed when he returned to his old high school. The same group of bullies that had tormented him before were still there, and they began targeting him once again. They called him "Budak Kampung" and teased him for coming from the countryside.

Azrul tried to protect himself, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. The bullies cornered him one day, and he was beaten badly by the seven of them. Despite the pain, he didn't want to report the attack to the school authorities. He feared that doing so would only make the situation worse.

Azrul confided in his father about the bullying, and his father was shocked to hear what had happened. He immediately offered to enroll Azrul in a Silat class in the city. Azrul was hesitant at first, but he agreed to give it a try.

The Silat classes were tough, and Azrul struggled at first. But he was determined to learn how to protect himself, and he threw himself into the training. Over time, he began to make progress. He learned how to defend himself against attacks, and he grew stronger both physically and mentally.

As he continued to train, Azrul became more confident. He no longer felt like a victim, and he began to stand up for himself. When the bullies tried to pick on him again, he was ready. He fought back with all the skills he had learned in Silat, and he surprised himself with how easily he was able to defeat the bullies.

The school authorities took notice of Azrul's newfound strength, and they praised him for his bravery. He became known as a defender of the weak, and he was respected by both his classmates and his teachers.

Azrul's dedication to Silat paid off as he got better and better in the martial art. He started participating in Silat competitions in his school, and with each competition, he gained more and more confidence. His hard work and determination caught the attention of his school's Silat instructor, who asked him to represent the school in a state-level Silat competition. Azrul agreed, eager for the opportunity to showcase his skills and prove himself.

The day of the competition finally arrived and Azrul found himself surrounded by talented Silat practitioners from all over the state. As he prepared himself for his first match, he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He turned around and was shocked to see Sarah, the girl he used to have a crush on, also participating in the competition.

Sarah and Azrul talked briefly and caught up with each other. Sarah told Azrul that she had also taken up Silat and was now a very skilled practitioner. They both agreed that it was a strange coincidence that they were both participating in the same competition.

The competition began and Azrul found himself facing opponents who were much stronger and more experienced than he was. However, he didn't let that stop him. He fought with all his might and used all the techniques he had learned from his Silat instructor to defeat each of his opponents. By the end of the competition, Azrul had won every match he was in and was crowned the champion of the state-level Silat competition.

Sarah, who had also performed exceptionally well, was impressed with Azrul's performance. She was amazed at how much he had improved and how much he had transformed since the last time she saw him.

Azrul returned to his home with a gold medal and a sense of pride. His father was overjoyed and proud of him, and his classmates and teachers at school were amazed by his achievement. The bullies who used to target him no longer dared to approach him, as they now saw him as a force to be reckoned with.

Years passed, and the same bullies who once tormented Azrul were now seeking his help. They wanted to learn Silat to protect themselves and others, and Azrul became their teacher. He taught them not only the techniques of Silat, but also the importance of respect and kindness.

One day, Sarah arrived at their school as a new boarding student. She was amazed to see that the bullies who once tormented her had become so skilled in Silat and had changed their ways.

Azrul, who was now a senior in the Silat class, took Sarah under his wing and helped her to improve her skills. He was happy to see her thrive and was proud to have played a role in her transformation.

As time went on, the former bullies became close friends with Azrul and Sarah, and they all lived happily ever after. They continued to use their Silat skills to protect themselves and others, and to spread the message of kindness and respect to everyone they met.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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