Waters That Do Not Mix

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He Xuan POV

"Hold it!"

I lazily turn my head towards the voice seeping with anger and urgency, Shi Quingxuan also turns around, startled by the sudden shout. His brows nit in confusion, "Ge? Whats the matter, theres no need to yell."

"Quingxuan, mind if I have a word with the Earth Master?" when he looks at his young brother, both Wudus tone and expression are soft; but when his gaze turns to me, it hardens bitterly.

Shi, still confused objects, "Ge can this wait? We were just heading t-"

"Quinxuan." His voice is stern, the ends of Shi's lips curl down into a frown as he realizes his brother is not asking. I feel a bit of resentment towards the damned Wudu for making Shi upset and pulling me away, as much as I would refuse to admit it, I was rather looking forward to our outing.

Shi taps my shoulder, covering the side if his face with his hand to block his brother view as he mumbles into my ear, "Seems like you've upset Ge somehow, hehe good luck dealing with the water tyrants wrath."

"Quingxuan." Wudu scolds, "Mind your manners. You should know its quite rude to talk ill of someone when there standing near you."

"Your my brother though," he mummbles in protest,


"hmp, Fine. Fine. Consider me gone." He grumbles before turning back to me with a thumbs up and a smile, "Good luck!"

I roll my eyes as he continues down the road, adorable.

"Earth Master Ming Yi," I turn my head back around to him, now that Shi has left, he no longer attempts to hide the irritation on his face and impatience that seethes through his voice. My mood also seems to have sullen with the abscence of the god. "Let me be frank, I know what you are."

"You know what I am?" I retort lazily, being alone with this man even for just a few moments pisses me off, "A heavenly official just like you."

His eyes narrow as they lock to mine, "This isn't a matter that should be discussed in public. Come."

Whether it be out of spite or resentment, I refuse to follow him. I have no intention of hearing another word from this mans mouth, he has already stolen my future once, I see no need to waste any more time in his presence.

[Stop acting as a petty child and follow me.]

The nauseating sound of his voice plays through my ear, I want to gag, [I dont remember giving a bastard like you my password. Remind me to change it later.]

[I said to follow-]

[Why must I follow you?] I cut him off mid sentence, knowing how much him as a proud man will hate it, before I continue down the street in his opposite direction. [You seem to have found a way that works just fine.]

[I am loosing my patience Earth Master, or do you prefer I call you He Xuan.]

The confidence in his voice actually makes me stop mid step and choke out a shallow laugh, he sounds as if he has just delivered me the finishing blow. Im not thrilled I was found out, but as if he really has something to hold over my head.

[I do not see what is so funny]

The pure annoyance in his voice only humors me more, [Is that any way to address a Supreme Ghost King? And you were going off on poor Shi about their manners] my tone is bitter; out of all the bastards in the heavens, Im not sure if it brings me joy or annoyance that he was the first to uncover my identity.

[You dont even try to deny it?] he muses, [It is true as they say, while a God ascended due to their wits and character, I suppose practically anyone can fall to the level of a ghost of they so feel like it]

[Well if you have found out, I wouldn't doubt the rest of the heavens have know for ages.] I retort, ignoring his ridicule, [Oh but dont mind me, you go right ahead and shout through the streets who I am, I wouldn't care. Honestly, if i'm able to watch your reputation crumble before my eyes, then I no longer care for mine.]

[Exposing a demon like you will do nothing but aid my reputation. As Ive said, you ghosts truly are dum-]

[Ah ah. Id stop whilst ahead if I were you. See, that is right where you are everything but right.] I turn myself around so now I'm walking towards his still body, a smirk tugging at my lips. [First and for most, what good will it do for the heavens? To know how easily not one but two supreme ghost kings can infiltrate at will? who will want to pray to a god to protect them if they know how unprotected the heavens are themselves? Not to mention all the ghosts that will jump at the opportunity. ]

[You!] he seethes through clenched teeth.

[That only adds to your headache, not mine.]

I take a step to place myself in front of him, looking down on his face to see what expression it will morph into, [And second, I must say you sure seem eager to bring your actions to light. Look at my face and tell me, do you really have no recollection as to who I am?]

for a split second, I watch in delight as his stone face wavers; the tell tale sign that he knows exactly who I am.

I laugh coldly, [Though I would love to ask what is it like to know in alive, It would be rude of us to stay here chatting and keeping Shi waiting any longer.]

"Stay away from him!" I begin to walk away when I feel something tightening around my wrist, "What do you want with him? Quingxuan didn't-doesn't know about any if this, they were young and it was my choice."

I meet his dead eyes, "Dont let yourself sound so pathetic. Ill give you one thing and that Is my word, I no longer have any intention of taking this out on him, It is you who acted so it is you who must pay the price." I shake his hand off my wrist, "Why I chose to stay around them is none of your concern. So let us keep this whole affair quite, shall we? I know neither of us would want to do something to hurt Shi."

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