Part 1 reconnecting with old childhood friend

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> Yami sat alone in his family's empty house, staring at the walls that used to be adorned with pictures of his parents. They had both passed away in a car accident a few years ago, and Yami was struggling to cope with the loss. He felt numb and disconnected from the world around him. In his desperation for support, he reached out to his childhood friend Sayori, whom he hadn't spoken to in years. So he picked up his phone and dialed Sayori's number, and waited for her to pick up. Sayori was surprised when she received Yami's call, but she was a little worried since they hadn't talked for a few years, but she answered the phone.

Sayori: "Hello? Who is this?" She asked just to be sure that It was Yami who called.

Yami: "Umm... Hey... It's me, Yami... You know Yami Diaz from 10th grade... And your old childhood friend..."

Sayori: She smiled a bit, surprised that he even bothered to remember her. "Well, It's nice to talk to you again, Yami. It's been quite some time...."

Yami: "Yeah... I'm sorry about that lately life has been... It's not so great... Look, I was hoping that... You and I could try to reconnect and be friends again..."

Sayori: "Why, of course! I would love it if we should meet up and get something to eat and talk about life, you know!?"

Yami: He started to feel a little nervous, so he started to talk quieter. "Of course... Um, I think your favorite café is open tomorrow. Do you have any idea when we should meet over there...?" He asked her.

Sayori: "Um... We could meet around 11:30 tomorrow for lunch since It's gonna be the weekend."

Yami: "Alright, I'll meet you around then, and I'll make sure I'm on time..."

Sayori: "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Yami..."

Yami: "I'll see you tomorrow. Sayori, take care..."

> Then Yami hung up the phone. Sayori started to get a little nervous to see Yami again after so much time had passed.

The next day Yami got to the café around 11:30 and when he entered he saw Sayori and walked over to her table and sat next to her. "Hehe... Um... Hey Sayori... It's lovely you met you again... I know It's been a long time... I just... I have been busy with specific things in my life..."

Sayori sighs. "It's alright, Yami. We're both friends, and we can talk about anything..." She gently placed her hand on tip of his to ease him up.

Yami: "Yes! Yes... Well... Well... I wanted to tell you something..."

> Sayori looked concerned for Yami, but she nodded and listened.

Yami grumbled, "Sayori... This is gonna be hard to say, but... I wanted to know if I could tell you what happened and catch you up on my life... You know kinda vent only if you're ok with It obviously..."

Sayori smiles slightly. "Sure thing, Yami. Whatever is on your mind... Just speak to me and I'll listen..." She fake smiled as she looked down towards the ground.

Yami takes a deep breath. "Okay. So basically... My parents passed away a couple of years ago... I felt like I couldn't handle It and so... I pushed myself away from everyone, including you..."

Sayori sits quietly for a moment. "I'm sorry, Yami. I should have been here for you. I was just too afraid to open up to anyone. I hid my depression behind a wall of silence."

> Yami quietly looked at her and immediately felt bad.

Yami quietly said, "I-... I-... I'm sorry... I didn't even know that you were depressed... Let alone hiding It... I... I should have seen It dammit..."

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