
Clueless? What could have possibly driven her to say such a thing? He thought of it the rest of the morning, the conceptualization continuing to pester him well into the evening.

"I asked her if she had any troll bogeys to spare so that I may complete tomorrows assignment, and she damned me instead. Justification for it is something I cannot seem to configure." He complained from his seat in front of the fire in the Slytherin common room. Sebastian listened to his right. Begrudgingly, but he listened. "Might it be that she's been waiting on a different question? One that pertains to the ball? It's obvious enough."

Ominis turned his head towards his friend, shaking his head to prove his disdain. He could only imagine the eyeroll he was met with. "Absolutely not. You know I—" "Hate the dreadful thing? Yes, I have a sterling understanding of that. But, why not go just this once? It is our final year at Hogwarts, then your chances shall be no more."

That alone sparked some form of rumination, but he brushed it off. "She was happy enough to go with you last year." His tone of voice held a sense of defensiveness, and he stood as he spoke them. "Why not take her again? Granted I have knowledge of it first." The suggestion continued as he used his wand to pour himself a cup of tea.

"I suppose I will, then. If you are so vehemently against going with her yourself. She's your girlfriend, after all."

"She is not my girlfriend, Sebastian. She knows it, I know it. As do you."

"So, the dates in Hogsmeade, and the secret meetings in the undercroft mean nothing? Blast, Ominis I've caught you two—" He held up his hand to interrupt Sebastian's exposing ramble. "She is not my girlfriend."

The two were silent for a while, Ominis having his tea, and Sebastian having a stare of contemplation into the lit fire. But, the younger one stood soon enough. "I will ask her, then. But only because you are too prideful to not."

With that, Sebastian was off to find you.


"I thought I might find you here." Sebastian spoke upon entering the Room of Requirement. I had half the mind to ignore him. It was most obvious what he was here for. "And why is it that you've sought me out?" I questioned, continuing on with my redecorating. This year was the last I would see it. It was due for a few upgrades.

"Y/N, he's not going to take you. I've just spoken to him about it. Tried to change his mind, even, but he has no care for it." That made me stop, my arm falling from its upward hold, my head joining it. "I'm not surprised. He's had a broomstick up his ass for the last three years. I shouldn't have been expecting any less."

The air was heavy. I was hurt. Truth be told, I thought he might go just this once while he had a chance. "Why not go with me? We had so much fun last year. Please, allow me to accompany you so that we may find that joy again."

There were none more convincing than Sebastian Sallow. After so little time knowing him, I'd taken Crucio just to make sure he went unhurt. What happened afterwards had almost made me wish differently, but all was forgotten if not forgiven. "Fine. But, enough with the sappy theatrics. You only needed to ask." He gave a hearty laugh to that, and it made me smile. Being cheered up was something I could always count on him for.

"Right, then. I expect you to dress to the nines. Have your hair done. We are going to stick it to Ominis by winning the King and Queen title this year." He tugged me in for an embrace as he spoke, pulling away with a parting kiss on the cheek. "Yule Royalty? Sebastian, I don't think—" "Yule Royalty!" He cut me off, backing off as he made a quick way for the door. "Be ready, Y/N Y/L/N. It will be a night you shall never forget."

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