New awakenings

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Sasha's POV

Suddenly there was a giant blast in the sky all what was left was remains of the core.I felt happy that the war was over but suddenly sprig brings down.Anne she was completely off white cracks completely covering her body as she said her last words and turned into white leaves.Seeing my friend past away had me weak in the legs as I dropped down into the water as tear's started flowing from my eyes.

"Um guys what is that white star coming towards us?"

Sprig said as he pointed towards something quickly approaching us as I stared at it longer noticing it was a basket?As it approached closer I tried to pick my self up to try to catch it.When I finally gotten up my legs still felt wobbly.As I finally gotten the basket I noticed there was a child inside she looked exactly like Anne she had all her features and soft brown curls.

"Woah what is that Sasha"

Sprig asked me as I placed the basket on dry land as he came closer he found a light blue note as he opened it and scanned the text he read it out loud.

Dear Anne's friends and family

The girl in this basket is your well known Anne Boonchuy aka the soon to be New cosmic guardian but she has denied the post and decided to live her life till she feels worthy.

She also holds the power of all three stones Heart,strength and wit she can be used as a tool to travel through worlds.

Not to do

1. don't over use her or she will feel intense pain.

2. Don't provoke her to strong emotions.

3. Make sure she always has good energy so she can be used to travel words.

Good News is that she will remember everything in her past she is still the same Anne Boonchuy And make sure sure has her domino plushie it's important!

Love, Current Cosmic Guardian 

When sprig finished I couldn't feel anything besides joy as Marcy Approached Anne and gently rubbed her cheek then I decided to pick Anne up and hold her in my arms she had her school uniform and her armor still on.She looked like she was about three to four years old the time when her, me and Marcy met.Marcy looked at Anne in admiration as she combed her fingers through her hair.

Anne was still fast asleep at this point so I started to sit down on placing Anne gently on my lap combing through her curls as I made a small smile then I turn to Marcy who was sitting in front of me she was covering her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh.

"Hey Marcy what's so funny?"

Then I feel a slight tug on my hair I turn back to Anne noticing that she was eating my hair!

"Anne noo please don't do that my hair isn't your favorite Thai noodles!"

I finally gotten my hair from out Anne's mouth to see it drenched in slob.


Then I heard I soft giggle coming from Anne in the repose to my answer as she had gotten up and walked over to Marcy and hugged her tightly. Suddenly she makes some kind of accessory with green beads and gems and one bead having the word 'wit' on it as she clipped it to Marcy's hair.

After that Anne makes another this time for me but instead of green it's pink and red and one bead saying 'strength'.As Anne went to the back of my hair and started making a half up half down hairstyle then clipping the clip at the end were the ends meet.

As the sky starts to clear I pick up Anne and follow the others to a grassy area then Anne holds out her hand to pick something up so.I placed her down so she can run the the flower field then I see her making three flower crowns one blue one pink other one is green she takes them and tries to put the green flower crown on Marcy.But fails since she's shorter then her now.

"Aw fuck"

Marcy turns around in shock as I cover my mouth to hide my smile from the curse word Anne said too marcy since she couldn't reach her.

"Anne don't say that!"

Marcy said as she bent down to Anne as Anne's face turned red in embarrassment then she could finally put the crown on her head after she did she stomped over back to me as I picked her back up.

"Good job Anne but not so loud next time"

I whispered that so Marcy won't hear as Anne puts the crown on my head as she gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She had started to giggle as she hugged on to me as I sat down on the grass.Marcy had came over and sat down next to me and Anne.

"Can I hold Anne Sasha?"  "Sure Marcy" I had pulled Anne off of me to give to Marcy as Anne looked disappointed being taken away as Anne sat in Marcy's lap she started to play with the little charms on Marcy's bag when she got bored this that she started play around with her magic.Small pieces of blue sparkles appearing in her hand as she played around.

Time skip!

Marcy's POV

Soon it was time to go back home Sasha grabbed Anne again as we went to an open space near Newtopia. Suddenly Anne takes out a note and hands it too Sasha as I watched them in confusion as Sasha and Anne went to an edge facing newtopia As Anne started to use her powers again to make an portal it was small at first till it got bigger and big enough to go though I started to walk over to them looking at the portal as it shows Earth before we went through I went up to a patch of plants and grabbed a few for reasons.

Then I went up to lady Olivia and Yunan and gave them a big hug as I went back to Sasha and Anne as we faced everyone else we said our goodbyes and went through the portal.


Woah new story yall how you're enjoying this original story of mine!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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