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Thanks if you actually read this!

Suggestions for drawings (probably only bob gang, vs bob, ron, little man, and opheebop, just opheebop. And mabey ocs) you would, could go here! I will check every couple of days! Also I'm not promising that the drawings will be good, I'm not that good of a drawer. But also comments on creative criticism can go anywhere but I would like if they stayed here.

I'm not doing any smut, but if you have a cute idea for a drawing between two people (or more I don't judge!) please put it here! I will mostly put:

Bobsip(bob x bosip, in a romantic, and in a friend way)

Balbot (boball x bobot, in a romantic, and in a friend way)

Balfo (in a friend/father figure way)

Botfo (in a friend way)

Idk what to call this one but bowaev and boder but in a friend way 

Ron and lefnfme bob ( in a friendly way ig)

And I suppose I should put some confirmed ships for ocs shouldn't I?

Slush and slushi (in a sibling way, they are s i b l i n g s.)

And don't forget caramel and slushi (in and friendly and romantic way)

Thx for reading! Thi s was my first time doing one of these so I hope this is good

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