part 2- Red balls of fluff

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part 5- Red balls of fluff

By the time The movie was in the DVD player And rolling, I was cuddled up in jake's arms. When it ended there was a pile of tissues surrounding the trash can and an annoyed jake watching me tentatively.

'I thought you weren't gonna cry' he said pouting.

'Well,its the notebook, you didn't actually expect me to hold them back, did you?' I asked.

'Well...yeah' he smiled.

'C'mon, get off your rump and go check on the popcorn, we forgot about it'.

'No, YOU forgot about it because you were busy breaking your promise' he replied.

Just then his phone vibrated meaning he got a text. He flicked his phone open and read it as his expression changed from surprised to happy to worried to freaked out.

As he shoved his phone back into his pocket he hurried out 'My parents are coming and they think I'm studying'.

In a matter seconds I was rushed to the door, given a quick peck on the lips, and shoved out his doorway.

By the time i said 'goodnight' I found myself outside his house just as the door slammed shut.

I walked to my car alone feeling a mixture of depression and hurt. He usually sends me a text right after I leave saying he misses me. But I got nothing.

I started the ignition and drove home thinking about the pile of homework I've left on my desk and how I'm gonna do it after what just happened.

The next morning I woke feeling self pity and disgust. I knew Jake was just in a hurry but I still felt bad. 

When I got to school I looked for him all day but only found him at 6th period. He was leaning against a locker talking to someone but then spotted me and seemed to shove that person away from him. I squinted my eyes but all I saw was a red ball of fluff shoved into the school's very own rush hour and get lost. 

I maneuvered my way through to him only to see Jimmy, his best friend, 'accidentally' intentionally shove my algebra book from the pile in my hands, to the floor. I gave him one of my dirty looks and picked it up.

By then Jimmy as well as Jake were gone. It seemed surreal but i thought he might be avoiding me. 

Jimmy wasn't that distant from me friendship-wise but this was just downright weird. It wasn't like Jake, If someone didn't know we were together, they would've thought he was my personal stalker, no joke. 

As I turned back around headed to the chemistry lab, I smashed into Caroline, the only person I knew with crimson hair. She seemed disorientated for a second then shocked. She shrieked a 'sorry' then rushed by me seemingly in a tight schedule. Madison Hopped into the empty space next to me looking bewildered.

'What the hell was that?' she asked.

'I really do not know'

'What's wrong? You seem a'

'I....its just....Jake's been distant...'

'Char, don't freak out yet, maybe its just his parents, you know how they are'

'Yeah but just today I saw him an-'

As the bell rang Madison bid her share of goodbyes and ran off to her class as I did the same.

That day I walked home alone because Jake was apparently busy. When I got home my mum looked at me suspiciously. I smiled sweetly. I didn't want her to know, she'd give me a lecture and I'd just end the day bawling my eyes out. My mum was a therapist, but She herself wouldn't let anyone into her complicated knot of feelings and thoughts. She eventually turned around flicking her mahogany hair and continued washing the dishes.

I took my chance and sped up the stairs, I almost tripped on the only broken tile we had in the house. We were going to fix it a few months ago but my parents decided getting a divorce was more urgent. As soon as I dumped my bag on my bed, I got a text from  


hey sweety! U smd a little down today so I stole my Mums ID and made 1 4 u! Its a club called E-lip-Tikl , U in? Romilda's cmn!! Fingers crossed ;) :***** <3

I sent one back:

nope srry hun, mums got crazy re-decorating ideas :/ gta stay N help, maybe Friday? Reply soon :*

I sent it feeling guilty I had to lie. Especially to Madi.

I spent the day asleep, crying in my dreams. Dreaming about all the terrible possibilities and explanations to Jake's actions. Cheating on me was the worst. I imagined a faceless blob of red fluff kissing him as he caressed her in ways to horrible to interpret. I didn't want it to be real. But I had a horrible feeling it was.

When I woke up I watched an episode of cold case. it was about this girl who's mum was a hundred and one percent christian (no offence intended to be given off) and was going frantic about the fact that her eighteen year old daughter was pregnant.

She immediately decided that she'll tell her daughter it died but sell the baby in the black Market as soon as it's born. When it was, they found out it was a girl. The daughter decided to name her baby sunshine.

Her friend also had a baby that same day but he died. She became crazy and took sunshine to call her her daughter. The friend ran away before the real mother found out, but she failed. It ended with a stand out in the woods to try to convince her friend it was her daughter. The "friend" threw a big rock at the other girl. But what was really sad was that as she was dying, she was singing:

You are my sunshine,my Only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are Gray. X__X *dead*

When she died, they declared it a closed case. but they eventually find out how she died and who killed her.

I cried at the end. I watched more because it gave me a reason to cry. But at the end of the day, there was already someone who gave me one.

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