Kobra and I drove into the outskirts of Zone 3, where the mailbox was. I had seen it nearly every time we had gone on patrol. It was colorfully decorated, with different sayings and doodles spray-painted on.

"I'll stay in here," Kobra said quietly, and I slowly got out of the car.

I walked over to the mailbox, chiding myself. It was stupid of me to do this, I knew it. But if something had happened to her, I wanted to have some closure if needed. Of course, I fully believed that she was still alive and fighting, but I needed this.

 Toxic Torrent,

  I'm really hoping that you aren't dead. I have full belief that you aren't, but still. I know that if you were here right now you'd be laughing at me. I've never been one to believe in this witch-stuff, but maybe, if she's real, she'll see this and watch over you.

  So here's my mushy, horrible, cliché letter to you. I know, it's like something out of those old cheesy movies from before the Helium Wars. So here it goes:

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you when you needed me most. I promised that I wouldn't leave and I did. I hate myself for it, and you probably hate me too. But I'll find a way to make it up to you, trust me.

  The boys and I are going to break you out of there soon. Things just haven't been the same without you, even if it's only been a week. You were the only one able to break Kobra's pokerface with your stupid jokes, and he smiles even less now. Jet? Well, he and Silver are trying to be optimistic like always, and are honestly the only reason I haven't gone to save you myself. Fun Ghoul is quiet. Can you believe it? He's never been so quiet, and he isn't smiling anymore. It's taken quite the toll on him. And me? Well, trust me when I say you don't want to know. You'd probably break out yourself just to get me back in place.

 You're so brave, Toxic. Hang in there, I'm coming for you. And we'll have our happy ending, just like I promised.

 I love you.

 -Party Poison

I slipped my sad excuse for a letter into the mailbox and silently walked back to the trans-am. Kobra and I returned to the diner in a comfortable silence, and prepared for the next day.

Toxic Torrent's POV:

I woke up the next morning strapped to the medical chair in my sterile white room, my entire body aching. Korse had ordered daily injections of whatever poison they had given me the first day, as well as fights with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S.

It was brutal, and I was getting tired. I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to last. But I would never give up any information about the Fabulous Four, no matter what torture I was put through. They were my family, and I would protect them at all costs.

I picked up a strand of my hair, subconsciously twirling it around my finger. I looked down, and realized that it wasn't dyed black, but was back to its natural blonde. Oh, hell, no! They took away my colorful hair! Now, instead of having the top blonde and bottom black, it was all natural. I was pissed. BL was trying to take away my individuality and I wasn't going to let that happen.

As the thoughts rolled around in my brain, Korse strolled into my room. Great, I thought. Just what I need to start my morning.

"Good morning," he said in a cheery voice. Why was he so happy?

I strung an array of heavily cursed insults at him for changing my hair before asking, "What? Another round of torture? Well, come at me! I'm ready."

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