But if he was still in bed, that probably meant I'd be ushered out of the house before he'd awaken, that I wouldn't get to discuss last night's events with him, maybe even repeat them. And that honestly was my main goal for this morning.

I wished Jay wouldn't keep hovering around me and would instead wander off to somewhere else in the house. Then I could sneak up the stairs in search of Louis without being questioned. It sounded quite creepy, I'll admit. But I needed to talk to him, needed to discover the answer as to why he'd kissed me last night (I think I already knew, but what we were going to do with that information still needed to be discussed).

The sound of footsteps descending the stairs came to my attention, and a brief spark of hope ignited me, for it to only be destroyed when the footsteps became too loud and gangly, and seemed to be the product of two different pairs of feet.

Daisy and Phoebe came parading into the lounge, each equipped with a set of fairy wings, a wand and a tiara. They were giggling, both still immersed in whatever game they'd been playing. When their eyes landed on me, their faces brightened.

Back when Louis and I were together and university hadn't started, when we used to come around to each other's houses on a frequent basis, I grew somewhat close to his sisters. When Louis would be finishing up in the shower or talking to his mum about something, I'd often find myself being dragged into all of Daisy and Phoebe's pretend games which their imaginations had conjured up, or talking to Lottie or Felicity about how annoying their brother was (I'd speak fondly, although they would complain in all seriousness).

I don't think Louis' younger two sisters had any idea of what was presently going on between me and their brother, don't think they registered the severity of the situation, because when they saw me, last night and this morning, they acted as if nothing had changed.

They greeted me cheerfully, and I responded with a polite hello and a compliment to their sparky costumes.

"Would you like to join our fairy tea party?" Daisy asked.

"I think Jess might have other things planned for the day," Jay told them, assuring me that I didn't have to stay any longer.

"Oh no, it's fine. I haven't actually got anything else to do, so," I said, because a) it was true and b) Louis' bedroom was opposite the twins', so staying here for longer and going upstairs greatly increased my chance of bumping into him.

The two girls beamed and jumped, racing up the stairs and hoping I'd follow. Jay laughed, shaking her head fondly, and I began walking towards the staircase with high anticipation of seeing the boy who'd put me in this happy and relaxed mood this morning.

"Um, Jess," Jay said, her tone serious now that her youngest daughters were no longer present.

"Yeah," I asked, pausing to spin around and face her.

"I'd uh... avoid speaking to Louis, if I were you. He's just in a bit of a, shall we say, unpleasant mood this morning," she warned me, and my brow furrowed.

Wasn't Jay our biggest supporter, the person who wanted Louis and I to be together the most? Why was she suggesting I didn't talk with him? And why was Louis in such a bad mood, while I was in an amazing one? Did he not like what had happened last night?

"Okay," I replied, although I doubted I would follow that advice. Foul mood or not, there was no possible way I'd leave this house without speaking to that boy.

By the time I'd reached the top of the staircase, Phoebe and Daisy were already at the foot of their door, about to re-enter. The tips of their wings disappeared through the door, and I heard the low mumble of voices, growing louder as I approached.

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