"First of all, I've always had a membership which I've never heard you complain about before." Jo says as she throws a fry at Pope.

"What about a golf cart? Do you get to drive one around?" JJ inputs.

"Does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to buy one of your own?" Pope teases.

"Look John B you promised that you weren't with her." Kie starts.

"She's got you man. Just own it." JJ states as he sits down next to Jo.

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that's fine. But I'm letting you know right now that I'm not doing anything with her. " Kie complains.

"Do you guys see her here right now? No, you don't because it's still just about us. Okay, so a little focus would be fantastic. So we have the map right?" John B states getting right to the point.

"Well, the thing is it's all out of whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ states looking at the map.

Jo looks down at the map.

"It's because the coast has changed." She informs JJ with a look.

He gives her a look back with a small smile.

"So we should just look for landmarks that haven't changed" Pope says.

"What about the old forts?" John B suggests.

"Battery Jasper!" Jo and Kie speak at the same time.

They both laugh before the gang gets up and head to the van.


Once they make it to Battery Jasper, they pull out the map and lay it flat on the monument so they can all look at it.

"We're at battery here." Pope points on the map.

"So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here."

Pope points out in the direction he was talking about.

"Over there?" Kie asks.

"Yea." Pope confirms.

"Guys, over there isn't Tannyhill. Its a subdivision." JJ states.

"Tannyhill Plantation was once the entire island. It just got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B informs them.

Jo looks back at the map.

"Okay guys, so we need to look for an old stone wall." Jo points out on the map.

"Do we know where there is an old stone wall?" JJ asks as they head back to the van.

"I know I've seen one before I just can't remember where I saw it at."

Jo says as she climbs in behind JJ and Kie in the van.

Pope sits in the front as he tries to read the map and gives John B directions.

"Ok so the road should split up here." Pope directs.

"Take this left here."

John B makes a sharp left causing Jo to fall into JJ.

He wraps his arm around her waist as she sits up.

They lock eyes before they feel the car come to a stop.

Jo looks out the window and sees a stone wall.

"Yea that looks like a stone wall to me." JJ states as he opens the van door.

*Summer Heat*  Outer BanksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang