selfee stix

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bobs pov

omgomgomgomomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg i am toTEZ fangurlin rite now becaws i fownd owt dat da sexi man iz named marion!1!!1!1!1!1!1 marion is mi bbi boi nowwWwWwW <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

"marion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!"

i showt.

"wat bobby?!?!1?1?1?1?!?1/!/"

hee yellz.

"taik a selfee wit moi!1!11!1!!11!!!"


hee looks @ moi rlly weerdly wen i taik mi phone owt. mi lok skreen iz of of katnus from tha hunga gaims butt my bootyful fergalicious face is on it insted<3 *hart eye emogis*

"wherez ur selfee stik??????????"

i am confuzed. wht is a selfee stik????????????????????????????????????????????

mr mosebys pov

o mi god i cannot taik dis. how doez mi precious bobby not hav a selfee stik. omg dis is worse dan joining da 1d fandum omg spoiler alert i am nawty boi :)<3

butt sirius(black)ly im rlly mad @ bobby 4 not havin hiz selfee stik.

omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg this meens somethin!1!!1!!1!!!1!!1!!!1!1!1!1! somethin rlly rlly bad doe :(:(:(:( bobby is a confermed hooligan bc hee has no selfee stik n hee iz a goof lyk dat band dat i just met wit da colorful hare, muskuler gui, curlee hed, n bredstik. oh mi god hE IS A HOOLIGAN O MI GOD O MI GOD O MI GOD

"i dont hav 1"

hee says

"2 bad"

i sai

i cant beleev im fallin 4 a hooligan omgomgomg he wants DOENUTZ hahahahaha get it hahahahahahahahahaha im hilarious ahahahahahhahahahahahahah i luv miself <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

hee taiks a reguler seflee n postz it 2 ig asap :)

wanna no wat else bothas do. when i get lyk 30 likes per hour LYK OMGWTF WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKITY FUCKER FUCKSHIT FJUCKGOLLBER

aight night

bob duncan can touch my PRNDL ;) bob duncan and mr moseby fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin