Sickness pt 2|Rudy Pankow

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He looked through the cabinets, searching for the green packaging, to which he finally found.

Rudy grabbed the medicine before heading to the kitchen and started making you some soup.


Rudy put two pills in the soup, then walked back into the living room, handing you the bowl.

"Be careful it's hot. Eat slowly, ok?"

Rudy went back to the kitchen and realized you didn't have any Tupperware containers. You only had ziplock bags.

He grabbed four of the medium-sized bags and started to fill each one with the soup.

"R-rudy? I-i don't feel so good..."

                     ~Rudy's pov~

I turned around to see Y/n standing in the middle of the kitchen. Her face was pale, and her body looked weak.

Her breathing started to pick up a bit before she gagged.


I quickly went over to her. The only thing I could think of was putting the ziplock bag in front of her as she started to vomit violently.

(Back to third person pov, gonna be switching a lot)

You're throat burned as you threw up everything you had, just ate. You were vomiting violently, you're nose started to burn, and liquid came running out of it.

You couldn't stop. It just kept going and going, gag after gag you threw up even after the food was out of you're system.

                     ~Rudy's pov~

She couldn't stop. The bag started to overflow as it wasn't a very big one.

I felt warm liquid run down my hands and hurt it drop to the floor. I quickly brought Y/n by the kitchen sink, grabbing the small bucket that sat under the leaking sink.

I switched out the ziplock bag, putting it in the sink, and put the bucket in front of her.

"Y/n, I need to lead you over to the bathroom." I said as I carefully walked to the bathroom with Y/n as she continued to gag and throw up in the small bucket.

Just as we reached the bathroom, the small bucket started to overflow as well, feeling the warm liquid run down my hands, smelling the acid comming from her stomach.

Y/n then leaned over the toilet, continuing to throw up acid until she started dry heaving.

I turned the sink on, rinsing off my hands, not looking down as I washed the textured liquid from my hands.

Once my hands were washed, I grabbed a rag, getting it wet and kneeling beside Y/n as she had stopped throwing up.

I started to carefully wipe her mouth, having her lean against the wall as I cleaned up.

I dumped the small bucket into the toilet before rinsing it out and setting it in the bathtub. I went into the kitchen cleaning the floors quickly and throwing the ziplock bag into the garbage can.

I walked back into the bathroom, cleaning the floor before getting the small bucket out of the bathtub and setting it next to Y/n.

Just as I was about to flush the toilet, I paused. Blood. There was blood in the toilet.

I picked Y/n up, and imedeintly went to the car, getting her buckled in. I ran back into the house and grabbed my phone and car keys.

I locked the house up before running to the car and getting in.

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