Chapter 1- The Fight

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"Mom! I want to go to Korea! This is my dream. Since I was small, never once did I disobey you. Now can you let me make my choice? " I told my mom.

"Luhan, Mama loves you but I don't get it. Why in Korea? There are a lot of universities here in China. Why do you want to study in Korea?" My mom yelled to me.

"Mom, you don't understand. It's my dream... This is what I want. Please." I sat on the bed that was beside me.

I think my mom saw my extremely sad expression. She sat beside me and said, "Son, I know this is your dream. I would love you to go but I would miss you. You are just too adorable for me to not be able to see you for 4 years."

"Mom, there is something you call phone and skype," I said in a sarcasting way then changed my tone, "I promise I'll call you everyday. "

"Luhan, to me, money is no problem but all I ask for is your time. You promise to call me each day? And skype every weekends, all right?" she asked hopefully.

I nodded and she smiled. She stood up and went out of my room. A few minutes later, she came back and gave me something. Wait a minute. 

"Hey! Its my passport. I didn't know it was with you. I've been looking all over it. Thanks. So, you're letting me go?" I said.

She nodded and I smiled. My teeth were showing the whole time till breakfast. I wore my uniform and went to school. My friends greeted me like how they do. Crowds formed around me just like before. The fan club our school made for me was screeming their hearts out when I looked at them. Well, all that was in my mind was the fact that I'm going to Korea. 

When I got home, the first thing I did was to sit in front of the computer and looked for universities. I saw one that attracted me, Seoul Institute of Arts.


Author's note: I know its short but I'll make the next chapter more interesting and long. Please comment and vote on what you think about it... Thanks! P.S. This is my first fan fiction. Hope you like it!

The Corner That Started Our Love (A Luhan and EXO Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora