"Huh." Richie says, like he doesn't know what to do with that information. You're hoping it will make him uncomfortable enough to stop asking questions. It seems to work.

"So. Um. No word from Tara's mom?"

By the time you make it back to the room, Sam's taken your seat, and Tara looks unhappy.

"They were out of strawberry." You murmur, press a kiss to her cheek. Set the raspberry Jell-o to the nightstand. You settle down on the edge of her bed, rub at the frown on her face, "What's wrong?"

"I'm moving back home." Sam answers before she can speak. "It's a bit of a- shock, clearly."


A storm brews behind Tara's eyes. You rub her arm, hoping to calm her a little. It doesn't work.

"You can stay a week." Tara says, sounding very much like it's the last thing in the world she wants to offer, "Then you can go."

"Tara, this isn't up for negotiation." Sam says, she reaches for Tara's hand. Tara's shoulders tense, "Mom is.... fucking useless and I don't want you in that big house all alone. Look what just happened."

"I'm not alone," Tara argues, "I have YN. And we're happy. You being there would just... ruin everything."

"Thanks." Sam says, a little sarcastic. She doesn't look put off, "I won't ruin your love bubble, sis. I promise. YN can stay. Richie and I will take the guest room-"

"Richie?" Tara says, incredulously, "No, Sam. No way."

Richie laughs, somewhat uncomfortably. He looks at Sam.

"Always great to know where I stand with the family."

"Enough, Tara." Sam says, like it's final, "It's my house just as much as it is yours. And I'm staying there so I can keep an eye on you, like it or not."

Tara's in a terrible mood when Sam and Richie finally leave to pack. You curl up into her, try and soothe some of the anger with a kiss.

"Come on, babe." You say, press your lips to her chest, "It won't be that bad."

"She always does this." Tara seethes, "She always has to ruin it. Why does she always ruin it?"

"She cares about you." You say, "She just wants you to be safe."

Tara pouts.

"I like it when it's just you and me. How am I supposed to eat you out on the kitchen counter when she's around?"

"You're not." You say sternly, "And don't you dare try."

She groans.

"See? This already sucks."

You kiss her once more.

"We'll just have to have sex in bed like regular people." You tease, stroke her cheek, "It's not the end of the world."

Tara bites her lip, "And you're staying with me, right?" She says, sounding somewhat vulnerable, "You're not going back home to sleep without me, right?"

"I'm staying with you," You assure. Punctuate your point with a kiss, "I promise."

A knock on the door breaks you apart.

It's Sheriff Hicks, dressed in her uniform, hat in her hands.

"Hi girls." She says, "Just thought I'd stop by and check in."

Immediately your heart races. Your hands sweat, clammy. The Sheriff moves a little closer, edges to the end of the bed. Tara's hand tightens around yours. She rubs her thumb over the back of your hand, soothingly.

all hers | tara carpenter x fem!readerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara