The End

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Decades had passed since Alex and Megan had their first child, and they had built a beautiful life together. Their family had grown, and they now had three children - two boys and a girl - who were all grown up and two with families of their own.

As Alex and Megan sat together in their living room, surrounded by photos of their children and grandchildren, they began to reminisce about their youth. They remembered their first date, their honeymoon in Jamaica, and the many adventures they had shared over the years.

They had just dropped off their youngest child at college, and now their house was empty for the first time in years.

Megan looked over at Alex with a smile. "Can you believe how fast time has flown by?" she asked.

Alex chuckled. "It feels like just yesterday we were painting the James' nursery."

Megan laughed, "And now our children are all grown and out of the house. Who knew we'd make it this far?"

Alex grinned. "I knew we would. We've been through so much together, and we've always had each other's backs."

Megan reached over to take Alex's hand. "I'm so glad we're still together. We've had such an amazing life together, and I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else."

Alex leaned in to give Megan a kiss. "Me too, my love. Me too."

Alex leaned back, "You know, you're still as beautiful as the day I met you."

Megan chuckled and replied, "You're just saying that because you're getting older and your eyesight's going."

Alex laughed and retorted, "Hey, I may be getting old, but I still have all my faculties intact. Especially the one that counts." He winked and squeezed Megan's hand.

Megan rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "You're incorrigible," she said. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

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