The Next Great Adventure

Start from the beginning

"You sure you want this one buddy? It's kind of sad, isn't it?"

"I'm sure. I like Doug." Cooper responded before walking over to the couch and getting comfortable. While Clint put the movie in Natasha sent Peter a quick text asking if he wanted to watch a movie, getting the response that he didn't want to like she had expected.

Natasha just sighed as she saw the play screen for Up on the TV. Probably better that Peter didn't want to watch now that she saw what movie was going to be playing. 

Throughout the movie they all watched as Carl went through his journey of accepting his wife's death and Russel unintentionally helping him through it. Cooper hadn't realized the meaning of the movie though seeing as he didn't really have any reactions to the revelations that Carl had made. Cooper did start to animatedly talk about Doug the dog whenever the dog was on screen though.  

After two hours of Peter sitting in the tree and Natasha finishing a whole movie, Natasha had had enough of just sitting there knowing that Peter was hurting. If she started talking and she felt that he truly just needed to be alone she would let him be, but she had a feeling that that wasn't the case.

She put her shoes on and walked out to the tree trying to come off the calmest she could so that he would feel more comfortable. She made it to the tree and Peter was sitting in the tree holding something she couldn't identify and giving the object his undivided attention.

"Mind if I join you up there, Spidey?"

"More the merrier." Peter passively answered.

Natasha then carefully climbed the tree and got comfortable sitting on the branch conveniently next to the one Peter was sitting on. Now that she was sitting there she realized that Peter was holding a red hot wheels car and she could see the mechanical parts in his bag sticking out with his phone in the side pocket of the bag. 

"What do ya got there?" Natasha asked nodding towards the car Peter was holding.

"Did you know that Uncle Coulson was a huge car geek? Especially the old stuff, he was a sucker for anything historical." Peter spoke without breaking his stare at the car.

"No, I didn't. Would make more sense that his favorite superhero was Captain America though." Natasha lightly commented.

"Yeah." Peter chuckled. "Well one time he was talking about what he wanted before he-you know. Uhm, he talked about the normal stuff that he talked about like these old timey pens, trading cards, and tasting the supposed best cheese in the world. The geeky stuff that I would make fun of him for. Then he said that his dream car to have would be a cherry red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette. Had a name picked out for it and everything, Lola. Then Cooper, coincidentally, has that exact car in his hot wheels collection dumped on the floor this morning."

Natasha knew at that minute what Peter wanted. Peter just wanted to make sure to remember Coulson. Peter misses him but he didn't want to forget Coulson, wanted to remember the smaller details and the memories of him. She could figure out where to in this conversation if that was the case.

"I knew Coulson for years, always tried to put the overall peoples well-being in front of his own. It was as noble as it was annoying. The only way he would want to go out is by keeping people safe and ensuring the safety of the people he cares about. As upsetting it is that we have to say goodbye, we can always remember him Peter." Natasha spoke softly while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just scared." Peter admitted in an unsteady voice.

"What are you scared of, Pete?"

"I just don't want to forget him like my birth parents. I remember general things about them, like they were smart, their names were Mary and Richard Parker, and were brave for risking their lives to stop HYDRA. Then that my dad loved Star Wars while my mom loved listening to Elton John while she worked. But, I forget what they sound like and what they were like as people. If I didn't have a picture of them I wouldn't even know what they looked like! If I can forget them I might forget Uncle Coulson, and I really don't want that to happen. I'm so scared that I might forget Uncle Coulson." Peter finished practically sobbing his explanation out.

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