Chapter 1: Personal Matters...

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Cody was sitting around with some girl, having a good time with her. It appeared Cody and her were either related or in a relationship... only until you got closer, did their relationship get acknowledged.

Cody: Trina... I wish we could find ways to be together more often like this.

Trina Baldwin, the daughter of a retired factory worker. She was the pretty girl everyone wanted, but no one managed to score... but Cody managed to snag her.

Trina: You know my dad doesn't like you... why he doesn't, I don't even have a clue. You two are very like one another, which makes no sense.

Trina brushes her hair out of her face. Cody had the perfect girl in front of him, and he felt that he had everything he wanted... He slid his hand to her face, and kissed her soon after.

Trina: A-Ah! C-Cody! W-We can't be doing this in public... we will get stared at.

Cody: Ohhh, it will be fine. Plus, it's not like they're going to tell us off when I'm here...

Trina giggled, and kissed Cody back. The two of them were close, probably closer than two normal couples... they must know each other outside of their relationship.

Trina: You're lucky I know you from before we were dating. Otherwise, I'm sure my dad would be livid about this.

Cody: He won't do anything... you know him. He will say everything under the sun, but he won't go through with it.

Two suited men walked towards the Café in downtown Ankor, and asked to see someone by Cody's description... in just seconds, they found who they needed.

???: Cody Judkins... you're in dire need. Appears some group of people have stole a Ziotist Warship and plan to use it against the West.

Cody's face changed completely, and Trina began worrying. She knew that today was supposed to be special for them... and Cody even prepared for the day! Now he had to do something else that wasn't Trina.

Cody: You bother me on a day that I wanted to me and Trina only. Why must you do this to me, and why should I care?

???: Because if we don't do anything, they will have free jurisdiction over Western Trade, including our Exports.

Cody shook his head, sighing loudly. His breathing became more shallow, and his face sours even more...

Cody: Trina... I know you and I wanted to be alone tonight, but it seems that they want me to solve a problem that I'm not sure I can fix.

Trina frowned as well... she had a bad feeling that he was going to be gravely injured during this. She gave him one long final kiss, and said one final thing.

Trina: Come home when you can. I'll have a surprise for you waiting. Don't keep a woman waiting, Cody... you don't ever keep a woman waiting.

Cody stood himself up, and would make his way out of the Café. The two men in suits were government agents, and now the Western Powers began sending what they could to intercept the Berlusconi from bad hands.

New Dawn | Hunt for the Berlusconi Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang