- Let's Journey Off! -

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||3rd Person POV||

Ren was setting up his spaceship to where it'd be ready to leave his planet, but then Scarle came across the set up and wanted to come along, she knew Ren was kind and would probably let her come along since they were really good friends, yet she wanted to be mysterious like those boys in her books that she reads, she doesn't know where those books came from either she just finds them lying around, but what she does know is that the creatures in it are called humans and they live on the planet earth somewhere in space. She had heard that Ren left their planet not long ago and found earth and that got her excited, she wanted to actually see these humans up close and now's her chance! So, she snuck aboard when Ren wasn't looking and hid somewhere in the ship.

Ren got finished setting up his ship and closed the ship door. Ren then set off to space to journey to a new excitement in life. Taking off roughly, he heard a noise "WAH!" He heard a familiar voice shout out "Scarle?" Ren asked, stopping the ship to check out the noise, and there she was Ms. Scarle Yonaguni who was hiding behind a pile of dinosaur plushies and toys, now on the floor rubbing her forehead from falling face first on the floor.

"When did you-" Ren got cut off "I snuck on a few minutes before you left." Scarle ended a little embarrassed "You could've just asked me Scarle." Ren chuckled "Yeah I know." Scarle pouted "Okay then well I think we should keep going" Ren said going back to his seat.

Ren pointed to a seat "You should probably sit down" which Scarle attempted, but when she did, she missed the chair, falling to the ground, making it to where she was in pain in two places at once, her forehead and her butt, and she laughed it off like nothing happened clearly embarrassed which made Ren laugh. When Scarle got onto the seat Ren took off.

After a while Scarle was tired of sitting in silence though it was comfortable silence she looked out the window and started tapping her fingers on the windowsill "Wow! The stars are so pretty up-close." Scarle stated "Yeah!" Ren agreed, speaking about stars Scarle saw one floating across all the rest it looked like it was swimming past them all, but what confused Scarle the most was the fact that it looked like it was coming toward the ship, and it stopped once it was right up close to the window.

Scarle looked all over the star's.... body? 'It has a very human body, like both me, Ren, and a few others on our planet, is it a star? It's in a cold ass place like space and looks nowhere near death at all.' Scarle thought. Snapping Scarle out of her thoughts she heard a muffled shout come from the star "Hewwo!" They shouted waving a hand. Just that had made Scarle sequel of excitement "YOU'RE SO CUTE!" She screamed catching Ren's attention. "Huh, what happened?" Ren asked stopping the ship and turning around in his seat, "Look at him Ren! He's so cute!" Scarle exclaimed, jumping up and down waving at the star in excitement. "Thanks!" Said the star.

Ren looked around them very confused and looked back at them "Aren't you cold?" He asked, but the star didn't hear him through the window, he only heard Scarle because she was yelling, so the star just tilted their head in confusion, "I'm sorry?" The star apologized "Aren't you cold!" Ren shouted louder, "Nope!" the star answered back at the alien prince "How are you staying in space? It must have been cold!" Scarle blurted out curiously examining the star wherever she could see. "No ma'am! Afterall I'm a star and space is my home." The star explained "Well, it is getting boring out here." The star finished "Oh I know! You can come with us! That is only if you can breathe air." Scarle stated "I can breathe air just fine!" the star confirmed "Can they come Ren?" Scarle asked with puppy eyes, "Sure!" Ren agreed.

Aliens are able to go into space, but they don't like the cold or how the stars burn their skin, and some find it hard to breath in space while others have no problem breathing in space. So Scarle and Ren had no trouble letting the star into the ship despite the cold rush they felt once the door opened. "What's your name?" Ren asked, "I'm Aster Arcadia, a million-year-old celestial being!" He introduced whilst Scarle was poking at his body "For real?! But you look so young!" She shouted "I am a celestial." Aster stated with a wink.

 "Wait where are you two going?" Aster asked, "To a planet called..." Ren trailed off, trying to remember the name of "Earth!" Scarle finished, "Yeah that one." Ren said embarrassed "Which planet is earth?" Aster asked placing his finger on his lip and cocking his head to the side, "The one with life in it!" Scarle exclaimed letting go of Aster's hair, "The big pretty green, white, and blue planet?!" Aster asked with his eyes gleaming with excitement "Mhm!" Scarle hummed, "I've always wanted to go there, but entering planets are such pains" Aster sighed "Let's get going!" Scarle blurted.

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