"Don't embarrass me, Beomgyu." She said more strictly, letting go of the male before walking away from him.

The male stood there for a few seconds to recollect himself, sighing softly he brushed off all the weird negative emotions he felt and walked towards the door with an uneasy feeling in his heart.

He shouldn't be upset anyway.

He's seeing Taehyun soon!

Beomgyu knew deep down in his heart, though he wouldn't admit it.

Taehyun made him feel so much better about himself.


I really do hope this is the right place. Beomgyu thought nervously, approaching a very nice looking house, he really did hope he arrived at the right address cause if not he was most definitely going to die of embarrassment.

Just before he could knock on the door, in a split second the door had bursted open, showcasing a man who was definitely above six foot and who seemed to be around his late forties or early fifties appeared in front of him with a wide and excited smile.

"Are you Choi Beomgyu?" The man asked him, his deep tone sending fear down Beomgyu's spine from how scary he looked, even when smiling.

"I am!" The male replied awkwardly, trying his best to maintain a sincere smile, but this random old man who barely knew him just said his name! How is he not supposed to freak out? "Am I at the wrong address?"

"Of course not, you're at the right address!" The man smiled even wider, happy to see the male before examining him closely. "Are you really my sons friend?"


"Oh! Don't take offense, it's just that you look so kind, I'm unsure how he managed to befriend someone else other than Huening Kai because he's so grump—"

"Get out of the way! Stop it!"

Beomgyu's eyes perked up excitedly hearing that familiar voice, glancing to the side he saw Taehyun slightly push the man to the side with an irritated expression before facing Beomgyu, his tensed body easing down slightly.

"I'm sorry, I was using the bathroom, I know you said you could come over but honestly I'm starting to regret it." Taehyun mumbled softly, side eyeing his father who stood there happily.

"No! No," Beomgyu chuckled softly, finding the energy of Taehyun's father extremely enjoyable. "You're fine, your father is very kind, I was quite nervous he'd be angry I popped up."

A slight smile tugged on the corners of Taehyun's lips before he coughed to cover it, glancing back at his father, he wished him goodbye as the two of them went downstairs and started walking to the event that was soon going to start.

"So..." Beomgyu spoke up softly after the two of them walked in silence for a few minutes. "What's this event about?"

"I don't know."

Beomgyu's lips went in a flat line when Taehyun had said that, he had spent a near week panicking about being alone with the male but right now he just felt disappointed... why did he feel disappointment? He really does want to get to know Taehyun better.

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