"Thanks," Leo says sarcastically.

"I'll go first. The key is to get a lot of bounce and then worry about accuracy." Adam says.

"Oh, just hurry up and get hurt!" Eddy says, popping up on the security screen in the living room.

"Whoa!" Adam shouts as he jumps high into the air and crashes into a wall in the kitchen. "Quick! Get me down from here! I've gotta do that again!"

At school, Bree and Chase were walking in the hallway when Principal Perry walked up to them. "Hey! Hansel and Gretel. My niece is visiting from...um...wherever she lives, and I'm gonna assign you two to be chaperones for a couple of days." Perry says.

"Oh, uh...well, see, I can't..." Chase began to say.

"We are so sorry," Bree says.

"'Cause I gotta be..."

"Oh, that's so cute! You think you have a choice!" Perry laughs.

"But why would you want us to show her around?" Bree asks. "You can't stand us."

"Oh. You've noticed. Look, my niece is sweet and innocent. If she hangs around the cool kids, they'll corrupt her. That's why she's hanging with you." Perry says. "If it's unclear, let me spell it out. You're not cool."

"Hi, Aunt Terry!" A young girl says in a sweet and innocent voice as she walks up to them.

"Kerry, darling! This is...the...gimme a second...Kevvvinnn...Suzzzzannnn..."

"Bree and Chase," Bree says.

"No one really cares," Perry says.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kerry Perry! Thanks for showing me around." Kerry says, shaking Bree and Chase's hands. "I hope it's not too much of a bother."

"No, no. We are happy to be forced to help." Bree says.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed to the chem lab to sear off a wart." Perry says. She walks away.

"Bye, Aunt Terry!" Kerry says before turning to Bree and Chase, her voice becoming mean. "Here's the deal, ladies. I'm skipping school and hitting the mall. And when I get there, I'm gonna plant a dead fly in my burrito and eat for free."

"I'm sorry, but as your chaperone..."

"Shut it, squat mug!" Kerry says, cutting off Chase. "Little elves called...they want you back at the tree to make cookies."

"Um...you can't talk to us like that," Bree says.

"Ha! Just did, boy hips!" Kerry says. "I'm outta here."

"You can't just go," Chase says.

"Yeah. What are we supposed to tell your aunt?" Bree says. "Besides the fact that she should round up some bail money." Kerry knocks Bree's books out of her hands.

"Tell her I was with you two nimrods all day! And you better do my homework. Or else...you'll get this..." Kerry starts talking in a sweet voice and begins to cry. "Aunt Terry! They were so mean to me! Make them pay! Make them...pay." She becomes mean again. "So, we good? Later, peeps." Kerry leaves the school.

"Okay, she is definitely a Perry," Chase says to Bree.


In the cafeteria, Leo was getting lunch when his phone rang. "Go for Dooley," Leo says when he answers the phone.

"Hey, how's it goin'?" Adam asks.

"Great. Duplicate Adam is acting just like you." Leo says. He looks at duplicate Adam who is making a massive apartment building out of sausages. "Although he did get a D+ on your geography test."

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now