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Bakugo Pov

The sound of blood was all I heard. As I walked down the school halls. I need to get to the restroom without anyone seeing me or the cameras spotting me. As I walked I can feel me wounds get bigger my vision get blurry. I walked in till I saw the old bathroom. no one was allowed in there not even the teacher but I didn't care as long no one see me or find me I will be okay. I got in to restroom and stared to take off my blood uniform. but then I heard someone opening the door. What luck am I have today, am I right?? So I open a stall and got in.


Sero Pov

It was a normal day I was walking to the restroom to smoke. I really need to smoke. Yeah I know a lot of my friends tell me not to smoke and promised them that I wouldn't but what they don't know wouldn't hurt them right? Well I don't want them to find me out again so I went to the only place I can think. The restroom in the old side of the school as I walked I made sure the cameras would not see me. I walked in till I got in. I open the door and walked in. I waked in I took my cigarette box out and got one and pulled my lighter and stared to smoke. A few min later I hear a softish kind cough. like someone was trying to hold it in so he couldn't hear him.

No one Pov

While Sero was smoking the smoke was filling Bakugo lung and he was not used to it so he stared to cough softly. It stared to cough softly but stare to get a little harder each time. Then he cough a little to loud that Sero had heard him.

Sero : how there??

No answer

Sero: answer me. I know that you in here.

A he said that he stared to open the stalls one by one. Then he got to the last one. As he open the stall his mind went blank. What he saw was beyond his nightmare. There was a bloody Bakugo wounds in every inch of his body. Bruised that were dark purple. His whole face went colorless. Bakugo how was half naked in the stall was shocked. He felt his head hurting hard and his vision becoming more blurry.

the last thing that Bakugo said before passing out was.

Bakugo : Don't .tell...please.

that all for know hope you enjoyed it for know. 441 words!!

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