2 - Gaining Trust

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The incessant ticking of the clock had been driving you nearly insane the entire night

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The incessant ticking of the clock had been driving you nearly insane the entire night. At one point, you had fallen asleep on the plush swivel chair in the quiet and bare room, dead-tired from everything you had experienced before. When you awakened, you expected to see Ban Ban's red figure, ominously staring down at you. But, to your luck, you were still left to your own devices. Since you had awoken, you had searched every corner of the room for a vent, opening or anything that could garner an escape. Alas, there was nothing and your hopes were, again, brought back down to zero. Now, you were simply sitting in the swivel-seat that belonged to Ban Ban.

Teeming with curiosity, you shuffled through some folders, looking at each paper as you skimmed it with your fingers. Most of it was statistical nonsense- such as attendance numbers, events, and future plans. You did take a minute to scan through a few of those events, such as the one that occurred the day your cousins went missing. There were a few things you could infer from what you knew; something went wrong on Bring-a-Friend day, and it had something to do with the Givanium-made mascots and their instincts. Each letter you read made your gut wretch.

Speaking of gut-wrenching, the pain of starvation was finally getting to you. You had come down to the Garten about two days ago, and only slept through last night. To make matters worse, sleeping on a swivel chair wasn't exactly the definition of comfort. In fact, a dull ache was now residing in your side. That pain paired with that of starvation was taking a toll on you, so you were now hunched over Ban Ban's desk, groaning slightly ever so often with your head buried in your arms, looking much like a child refusing to do their schoolwork.

One thing you hadn't noticed before was a remote sitting beside the little intercom microphone. At first, you had just thought it was part of the intercom system, but once your curiosity got the best of you, you swiped it off the desk and gingerly pressed one of the buttons of the remote.

You heard the mechanical sound of a screen descending from the panel ceiling, catching your attention forward. Now becoming increasingly stir-crazy, you mumbled to yourself, "Ah, so that's how he was watching me." On the descended panel, multiple screens in an array displayed various areas around the Garten, and you distinctly remember waving to the cameras to show you could hear him.

Out of curiosity, you searched for the nearest camera to the room you were in: the red area Banbaleena chased you through, all of the elevator shafts, then the long hallway you followed him through to get to this room. Once you landed on that hallway, you curiously waited, hoping to better analyze that hallway for an exit, as you figured you might have missed something.

Of course, you saw nothing you haven't seen before, and you groaned out of your despair. Still in survival mode, your mind was still working away, thinking of every possible way you could break out. And, from the looks of it, that wouldn't be anywhere nearby.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by the unmistaken sight of Ban Ban striding down the hall you were watching through the screen. Quickly, fumbling for the remote, you pressed the same button you did to make the big screen appear, and it slid perfectly back into place right as the metal door slid open again. You pretended to be doing nothing but sit there and look miserable with your head down on the table. And the last thing you wanted to do now was look at him.

Stockholm Syndrome (Ban Ban x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now