Sickness|Rudy Pankow

Start from the beginning

You walked out of the bathroom and layed down on the couch with you're favorite blanket, hoping that if you take a little nap, you'll feel better.

But just as you're were about to fall asleep a knock at the door woke you.

"Come in." You're voice was scratchy and you're throat hurt like crazy.

"Hey, Y/n." Rudy said cheerfully, walking in. "Whats u-"

You then cut him off by running to the bathroom once more.

You couldn't breathe as you regurgitated into the toilet. You're throat burning and shining in pain as you're stomach tried to get rid of the food you didn't have in you're system.

"Hey baby, what's...." Rudy trialed off as he saw you leaned over the toilet.

Even with you being sick, he didn't hesitate to kneel down next to you, pulling you're hair up in a make shift Pony tail as he rubbed you're back softly.

"Shhhh's ok..." he wipsered soothingly to you.

When you were finally done regurgitating, you sat down against the wall, leaning you're head back.

Rudy stood up and grabbed the wet wash cloth, wiping you're mouth for you before sitting down next to you.
He then saw the tears that were formed by you're eyes and immediately went to wipe them off.

But as soon as his thumb touched you're skin he paused, taking his hand away before putting the back of his hand against you're forhead.

"Baby, you're really warm...have you checked you're tempeture yet?" He asked softly.

"This morning I did." You said quietly.

"Have you checked it sence?"

You shook you're head 'no' in response. Rudy got up from the floor and searched the cabinets for a thermometer. Once he found one he sat down infront of you.

"I need to check you're tempeture, ok?" He said hesitantly, as he didn't know how you would react with something being in you're mouth.

You nodded as you slowly opened you're mouth, lifting you're tongue letting Rudy put the thermometer there.


After a minute, the thermometer beeped, and Rudy carefully took it out of you're mouth before looking at it.


"Baby, what was you're tempeture this morning, do you remember?"

"It was...97 I think..."

Rudy mumbled something under his breath before setting the thermometer on the counter.

"I'll be right back." Rudy walked out of the bathroom and to the couch, turning it into a futon and setting up the pillows and blanket.

He also grabbed a small bowl of cracker for when you're ready to eat, and a garbage can so you don't have to run to the bathroom every time you feel sick.

Rudy grabbed a medicine cup and poured some Tylenol to try and help bring you're fever down.

Rudy then walked back into the bathroom handing you the medicine.

"You gotta drink this for me."

You nodded before taking the medicine cup from his hand and slowly pouring the liquid down you're throat.

He grabbed the small cup from you're hand and set it on the counter, before carefully picking you up in his arms.

"Rudy I'm sick-"

"Baby, don't worry about me, ok? I'll be fine. " he said as he layed you down on the couch, grabbing you're water for you before laying down next to you.

He texted Jonas telling him you wouldn't be able to film today and that he wouldn't either because he wants to take care of you.

He set his phone down, turning to notifications off before he wrapped his arm around you waist pulling you against his chest.

"Get some rest, baby. Im not leaving. " His wipsered in you're ear comfortingly.

And he wasn't lying, he didn't leave you...not once.


Hi! Ok maddie_clineee What'd ya think? I can always rewrite it! I hope you all enjoyed this! Thank you sm for all the sweet comments! Remember I'm so proud of you for making it through another day, you are so strong and such an amazing person. I love and care about all of you! You're all beautiful!

 I love and care about all of you! You're all beautiful!

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