The car swerved at each corner, making the wheels screech each time. Violetta felt her stomach drop at each crazy turn Tony made. Sid began to panic giving instructions for Tony. As soon as Violetta knew it, Tony was driving down a flight of stair and then they were back on the main road. They lost them.

VIOLETTA SAT ON the couch with a confused face as she stared at the coffin in front of her. She wasn't entirely sure how to feel, but at the moment she didn't feel sad.

"Anyone though what's gonna happen to those fish?" Sid asked pointing at the tank Maxxie and James leaned over. "I mean someone's gotta take 'em."

The door opened revealing Jal and Michelle which made Tony and Sid cover up the coffin with their bodies.

"We had a really good morning," Michelle announced waving to Violetta. She waved back awkwardly, not really sure how to act with a coffin in the room. Natural, she supposed. "Is that what I...?"

Jal peered around Tony and seen it for herself. Michelle looked at all of them like they were crazy.

"What the fuck is that doing here?" Michelle fumed and Violetta sighed, leaning back. God, she didn't want anymore arguing over this shit.

"Funny story actually. Chris's dad came to see me, and he said we couldn't go to the funeral because we're all junkies, so I went to Tony and Tony said to me—" Sid went on and one before he cut off by Jal.

"What the fuck have you done?" Jal asked sadly, looking behind the two boys with tearful eyes.

"The thing is Jal—"

"Give it back," Jal ordered, her voice soft and pleading. Violetta rose up just from the sound of her voice.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Michelle asked angrily, her voice raised. She turned to Violetta with a surprised face. "And you let them?"

"You heard what we said. He wouldn't bury Chris as Chris," Sid said before Violetta could answer Michelle. She did let them do it, but she wanted to say goodbye, too. "This is for Chris, we did this for Chris."

"You did it for who?" Jal quizzed, now angry herself. "What right have you? You stupid, stupid..."

"You're not listening, Jal, at least hear him out," Violetta said breaking the silence and Jal rolled her eyes.

"The blonde in you always bleeds out, doesn't it? You're not listening, none of you three. There's other ways to do this. Give it back. Now!" Jal ordered and Violetta backed down nodding her head, conforming to what Jal said.

"But—" Tony said, his words being halted by Michelle.

"Tony! Do what she says!" Michelle demanded.

VIOLETTA GRIPPED ONTO Tony's hand while they, along with everyone of Chris's friends, watched from afar at Chris's burial sight. It was a very hard thing to watch.

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believeth in me, though he were dead sayeth the Lord, yet he shall live," the man said while they all watched sadly. "Deliver your servant, Christopher. Oh sorvereign Lord—"

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