"No Sid. I know how you feel," Tony stated calmly. Sid didn't seem to be having this nonchalant bullshit right now.

"Like you do! You don't know how I feel these days— Postcards, fucking results, and dads. And now we're not even allowed to bury our friend. And you don't even care!" Sid shouted in a rant that made Violetta's head absolutely spin.

"So why are you here? Sid, what do you want me to do?" Tony asked with frustration. Violetta sat in the middle, awkwardly of course.

"No... I didn't... I don't know," Sid stammered turning back around. Violetta looked at Tony, who picked up the postcard Sid received. "It's just, I never get to say goodbye."

"Sid," Tony began making the boy look to him.

"But, you know, you're right. Sid and Tony. Tony and Sid, it's pathetic. Me coming to you all the time, hoping for what? What am I? Your fucking-" Sid tried to continue, but Tony cut him off.

"Look, it's fine. We'll have our own funeral," Tony proposed and Violetta furrowed her eyebrows, now tuning back into their conversation after zoning out.

"Oh yeah. Great. A funeral with no coffin and then we'll sit around and sing kum-by-fucking-ah," Sid said making Violetta think about that. Chris would quite like that actually. He'd be laughing at all of them.

"So let's steal it," Tony suggested earning a scoff from Violetta. Sid turned around with his whole face scrunched up. What was this wanker on about?

"What?" Sid quizzed, not sure if he heard Tony correctly or understood what he meant.

"Let's steal the coffin," Tony repeated again slower, looking surprised by his own words. Violetta took a deep breath and looked over to Sid with the same look. "We're gonna steal Chris's funeral."

SURPRISINGLY, STEALING CHRIS was very easy. Too easy. The car that Tony, Violetta, and Sid rode in would get many stares because of the coffin that sat on top of the car, but it was a matter of urgency.

Sid hung out the window and made sure everything was secure. "Get in you tit," Tony scolded him and Sid did so. The boys only laughed, but Violetta felt odd with Chris's dead body being right above them.

"Fuck. He's really gone," Sid remarked as their laughter died down. "You know we could get into real trouble for this. It might be really stupid and—"

"We need to say goodbye, Sid," Tony responded with a harsh tone. "We all do."

"Chris would've had a ball with this. If everyone did so much to say goodbye one last time. I think he's laughing at us right now, wherever he's at," Violetta said, giving her input after a while of not speaking. If someone would of asked her a year ago if she'd ever steal a dead body, it would be a no, but now? It was Chris. So, fuck it. "It's pretty fucking stupid though."

"The thing is, after this, there's fuck all to say goodbye to. Chris, gone. Dad, gone. Fucking Cassie. And you and me we're..." Sid trailed off realizing this was thoroughly about Tony.

"Yeah, what are we Sid?" Tony asked which Sid was about to reply to when a car began honking behind them. Violetta whipped around.

"It's his dad!" Violetta alerted them.

"All under control," Tony assured her before switching gears and going full speed ahead.

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