With things settled, they head towards the place wuxian mentioned. Others are really impressed with the choice of location. It's indeed easy and best location to create a village. Not in cloud recess proximity and not too far from it. Natural water sources and trees with fruits to support early days in the village till they starts farming. Easily cultivatable land and a lot of free space for them to occupy. Wuxian now had good control over his ring and its power. With few flick of his fingers, he cleared a larger area for them to occupy. He gave instructions to the others to put the barrier around the area. Finally he put illusion tailsman and hide that place from outsider. He only gave permission to enter that place to few people. Others can't cross the barrier or can see the place.

It's then settled that first batch of people will reach in a week to start the work and others including wen siblings will move here within three months in smaller groups. If wen's started to suspect, they will move here as soon as possible. Since wangji and wen qing forbids wuxian to come here frequently to help with the construction of the new settlements, xichen volunteered to monitor the works once the wedding ceremony ends. Since xichen and wen siblings needed to come here frequently but without seen by anyone, wuxian gave them bunch of his teleportation tailsman and instructed them on how to use it. He also clearly mentioned that they should never let anyone know about this tailsman even if they trusted them most and use this from their room. So that no one will know that they are teleporting.

Wuxian had an very exhausting day. Wangji asked him to rest for a bit many times and each time he denied. Wuxian is very anxious till the elders agree to their proposal and wasn't able to rest. He becomes very excited once they agreed and wants to initiate the work as soon as possible. After many failed attempts, Wangji finally managed to take very exhausted wuxian to their home. He fed him his evening meal and supplements before letting him to rest for the day.

Wuxian is really happy today. He always wanted to secure his family's safety. Now that he finally found a way to help them, he feels really contented. Wen Qing's decision to change their surname made wuxian even more emotional. He never met any other Wei in his life. He doesn't even know another Wei is there or not. The only thing which he know about his father is his name and he is Jiang Fengmian's friend. No one in lotus pier will tell him anything about their parents not even Jiang Fengmian. So he doesn't have any idea about his family.

To his knowledge he is the only Wei he know. He is also technically a lan now. Even though his new family never mentioned anything about changing his surname, he is officially their second young lady. He also whole heartedly agreed to do his duty as one. When their child born, the baby is Gusu's heir and it's very obvious the child will carry surname lan. He also wish the same. So he thought the surname Wei will die with him. He never expect his family wish to carry Wei instead of wen. He becomes very emotional at that. With contented smile on his lips, wuxian curled against Wangji and drifted to a peaceful sleep.

Xichen is basically a calm and kind person. He always look good in others. He loves his brother a lot. Ever since xichen born, he was mostly alone because their parents are in seclusion and his uncle is too busy to get their clan under control. When his mother told him that he is going to get a younger siblings, he is extremely happy that he won't be alone anymore. After Wangji born, he did his best to take care of him. He found himself in the position of their parents when Wangji received his forehead ribbon. Even though their parents were in seclusion, qiren tried his best to give them a good childhood. But everything took a turn when his mother died.

His brother is too little to understand that she is dead but xichen watched as his mother's seclusion slowly killed her. He watched as her death made a greater impact on his brother's mind and heart. He watched as his brother stopped talking completely. He watched as his brother refused to stop kneeling in front of her house. He helplessly watched as his brother gets sick after every time he kneeled there. He was greatly afraid that he will lose his brother too. Even if wangji didn't talk much, he tried his best to understand him, to read him without any words. He grows up fast so that he can take better care of his brother. He worked tirelessly to learn clan affairs, to become a sect leader so that his brother doesn't have to be bothered by clan elders. He is not only wangji's brother, he becomes his parents when their parents failed to do that, he becomes his only friend when Wangji refused to interact with others. But ever since wangji born, Wangji becomes his world. He doesn't know anything other than his brother and his welfare, his clan and his duties.

He met a person who is in similar situation as his, Clan leader nie minjue. When his parents are in seclusion, his are dead. Both are in a situation to take responsibility in very young age. Both have a young brother as only family. Both have decided to live for his younger sibling. There way of showing affection may be different but there situation is same. They were able to understand each other. That's why they become best friend from their childhood. Now xichen met another person who took his interest which is none other than........Wen Qing.

When he heard about dafan wens from Wangji, xichen's first thought is she is same as him. She lost her parents at very young age and lives for her younger brother. Even before they come to cloud recess, xichen had good impression on her because he thought they were same. But when they reached cloud recess, he learned more about her which greatly impressed him. She not only lost her parents and in situation to take care of her brother, she also have to take responsibility of her village. Xichen has his uncle but she doesn't have anyone to help her. She also have to safe her village from his very own sect leader. Xichen met her few times during conference meeting which are held at qishan. At that time like others in cultivation world, he also thought she is wen rouhan's favourite niece. But now he is aware that she is co operating with him so that she could save the lives of her village people.

Wen Qing is a beautiful woman, best healer of their generation, great cultivator even when her family members are mostly non cultivators, talented woman, good in administration, kind and strong woman who strives to save her people, on top of everything the way she carry herself with such a confidence and pride even when she is suffering greatly impressed xichen. He started to admire her. He wants to help her and he did his best to convince his clan elders to accumulate her family.

When they started to prepare wuxian and wangji's wedding ceremony together, they get to spent a lot of time together. Cheng and Hussaing are younger ones so they didn't have much experience. Hussaing is particularly good in art works. He is the one who designed their wedding robes and jewels. Wuxian personally insisted that it has to be him to both honour his talents and his friendship. Cheng offered to help with wedding decoration. He and his disciples will stay at cloud recess after the guest lectures ended to help the lan's. Wen Qing is the one who helped a lot with planning. She even helped xichen with some of his clan paper works. She is particularly good at that and xichen again gets impressed with her talents.

When Wen Qing scolded him for not taking care of him and always works till he gets tierd, when she brings him food to the Hanshi and drags him to eat, when she sits with him to sort out the paper works because xichen is overloaded with his works, when she brewed herbal tea for him to drink, something inside xichen snapped. He is always the one who take cares of others, no one ever take care of him like her before. She will hold her eyes contact sharply till xichen agrees to do it. Xichen felt so happy to oblige to her suggestions. He unknowingly started to crave for her company. He can tell that wen qing also felt comfortable around him which really pleased xichen. He doesn't know how to name the feeling he had when she is around him. Is this what called love? He is not sure about that but he really liked it and he wants it.

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