Louise Flyer: The Price of Pride - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Each region had its peculiarities:

The Northern City, where Louise was, was responsible for everything related to paper, from land documents to copies of great literary works. It was also the most developed in terms of education and learning. The schools and universities coveted by everyone were installed there.

The Southern City, responsible for mining in general, no longer had any notable attractions.

The Eastern City was a place with precious hot springs. The people who lived there were the richest, but nothing prevented a middle-class family from spending their vacations in a hotel or rented house, once a year. In addition to being the main place chosen by newlyweds to spend their honeymoon.

The Western City was responsible for exporting food to all other regions. There were large harvests of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cereals. In addition to having the best quality, there was also a good amount of livestock.

The Central Capital was where general commerce was located. It received exports from other regions and sold to people from everywhere. There were also numerous professions, and even artisans and blacksmiths gathered there, thanks to the ease of obtaining materials. Not to mention that the military power was mostly located in that place.

All of this existed on a kind of island. There was no information about anything beyond the sea that surrounded them. Around Forthen, there were fierce magical beasts that devoured everything that had mana. A large magical barrier, erected even before the first people existed, protected them from these beasts. That little girl had discovered all of this through the information in the books she had read.

While walking calmly, she arrived at the main hall.

"It seems like today is going to be a busy day," she thought. Although it wasn't crowded, it was rare to see so many people in the hall at that time. She believed that the reason was the approaching winter. With the cold weather coming, people stayed at home longer, so they would "borrow" some books to pass the time.

"Oh, you left early today, didn't you?" a woman called out to her.


The woman next to her, behind the library counter, who responded as the librarian, was named Nathalya. She was a young, skinny girl with her hair tied up and a gentle look in her eyes. They didn't talk much, but they met every day.

"Yesterday, I was a little sleepy, so I left a few things to do today."

"And then? Did you read something interesting?"

"I'm sure that's none of your business, is it?"

"Well... I saw that you were reading The Chronicles of Hongsta. If you're finished, can you lend it to me?"

"Be my guest."

"Thank you! ...Speaking of which, have you taken a look at the book I lent you?"

"Something like that."

"I'm sure you'll like it a lot!"


She revealed a forced smile. Based on the course of this conversation, Louise knew she would end up with more work. As the Flyer family was one of the most well-known in Forthen, it was common for many to try to "suck up" to her during the day. That's why she was being a bit cold with Nathalya... although much of her behavior was the result of her own personality.

She tried to leave as soon as possible.

"I'm going for a walk, see you later."

"Okay. Oh, and... if it's not a problem, could you..."

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