how to catch a changeling

Start from the beginning

"Ailment or curse?" Rot asked in a deep, yet innocent voice. Then, one of the metal trapdoors were drawn aside, revealing the second troll employed at RutGut's. He had green-ish skin, his blue eye matching Rot's That was Gut. "Oi, numbskull! I'm supposed to answer it!" he scolded his brother. "But I already did answer it," Rot answered genuinly confused. "What is not clear about 'I deal with customers, you handle the wizardry'?" he continued, agrresively sliding his trapdoor shut, muffling his voice. Rot looked back at the group anxiously as his brother's muffled voice kept on going. "Hold a tick," he said before he slid his window back down. Blinky laughed as he looked back at you. Jim and Toby exhanged looks as you held back your laugh.

"Good, Rot. Stick with that," Gut finished as he reopened his trapdoor. "Welcome to RotGut's. How may we service you?" he asked, his tone changed completely. "Totem, my good troll. We suspect one of these fleshbags may be a changeling," Blinky replied just loud enough for you, Jim and Toby to hear. "Hmm?" Rot's window slid back up. "Her too?" he asked, his eye gesturing towards you. "Other fleshbags," AAARRRGGHH grumbled as he moved behind Jim and Toby, playing along. The boys suddenly looked very nervous, as if they belived that was what Blinky and AAARRRGGHH really had come for.

"You're gonna need a gaggletack," Rot said, making Gut chuckle akwardly. "Unfortionately, you see, we're running a bit short on those. Very hard to get," Gut quickly added. Rot looked confused. "But I've got a bag om them right here," he truthfully said. "What in the world?" Gut exclaimed. "If you'll excuse us for one moment," he quickly asked before snapping his trapdoor shut for the second time. "Ey, what are you doing? I'm trying to drive up the price over here," he shunned from the other side of the wall. You could see by Rot's eye, that he was extremely caught off guard and even more confused. "I thought we were trying to help these nice lads," he said, gently sliding his window shut as his brother continued his frustrated explenation. 

"Gaggletack?" Toby scratched his head. "Rare artifact," AAARRRGGHH replied. "Exceedingly rare. An object of great mystery," Blinky said as he turned, his six eyes sparkling at the thought. "Well, not really if they have a whole bag full of them," you mumbled, gesturing towards RotGut's. Blinky side eyed you before continuing being the only source of information this group has: "With physical contact, it reveals the true nature of a changeling."

"Why don't you open the door and.." Gut's faint voice spoke as Rot's blue eye returned. "Step back, please," he said. "..our hard-earned bits and bobs?" Gut finished. Then, a drawer-like thing opened from the metal door, and out shot an object straight into Toby's face. You clasped your hands in front of your mouth, trying as hard as ever not to laugh. The gaggletack fell to the ground, and so did Toby. "It hurts!" he groaned. "It's a horseshoe," Jim said, picking up the artifact. "Made of pure iron," AAARRRGGHH said. "Why would you put such a precious thing on ta horse's foot?" Blinky exclaimed, thuroughly shocked. "Huh?" Jim said, exchanging looks with Toby once more.

"Beware," Blinky began in a grave whisper. "Changelings are swapped with heir human counterparts at birth. So, it is likely these troll-pretenders have dwelt amongst you for decades. They could be anyone. used car salesmen, tax collectors, television executives." "Dentists," Toby determindely shot in, his green eyes gleaming. "Yes, especially dentists," Blinky agreed. "So, who do we start with?" Jim asked. "Oh, I've got a few ideas," Toby smiled maliciously, seizing the gaggletack from Jim's hands.

Later, when Jim and Toby had gone home for the day, you were called on by your Vendel. "Yes, father?" you said as you peeked at his heartstone office. "Y/n. Come sit," he replied, tapping at a stool next to his chair. He was working on something you couldn't really put your finger on. Some potion or something. You did as you were told and sat down next to him, waiting for him to begin talking. "How do you think the Trollhunter is doing?" he asked, still fixed on his project. "I have first-had experience of him doing well! He's been face-to-face with many dangers and-" you were cut off. "He vandalized a museum," Vendel said, stone-faced. "That is somewhat true, but-" "And this chubby little friend of his, what does he do?" Vendel asked as he turned, his grey eyes piercing into you. "He- um. Emotional support? He did take pictures of Killahead Bridge! Remember?" "You mean, what turned out to be a boat?" "Father, will you just listen?" "The Soothscryer haven't even made up it's mind yet. Y/n, this is unusual." "The Soothscryer will make up its mind!" you stood up, at the verge of screaming in your father's face.

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