Chapter 3: catching up

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Halloween town: hospital

In the hospital strife was getting patched up by his aunt name sally who is a Ragdoll monster and she also one of the few members of his family he like, as he was getting patched up with stitches sally have a few words to say to her nephew " although I am extremely thrilled to see you again I'm still really mad that you left home and never once come back"

strife sigh " look auntie i head to leave that place ware full of fucking" before he even say his sentence sally slap his cut arm frowning at him saying out lord " language, young man!"

" ow! Ok sorry" he said laughing a bit and sigh  going back to what he was saying " it wasn't as nice as it seems aunt but because I left I made some good friends along with helping the humans so I say I did the right thing" he said with a smile under helmet that he didn't take off.

Just the door open and he saw his uncle Jack who have a smile and run to give him a big hug " oh thank goodness you are ok nephew!!" He yelled with joy, this made sally giggled happy to see her husband act like that although strife is happy to see him too he can do without the hugs right now " ow ow ow uncle the cuts!" This made jack stop hugging " oh I'm so so sorry"

" it's fine" he said looking at his stitches on his arms " can take the cut and I can handle the stitches but sadly can't handle the hugs right now"  he said with a smile juts then he look at his uncle who have a sad look on his face.

" nephew, I am happy your back but you been gone for so long..your mother and father ware worried about you" he said not knowing the story between strife and his parents, it was ok that jack didn't know but he scoff at the idea that his dad and mom ware actually worried about him " yeah i don't think they care"

Although they are shock and a little sad to hear him say that his family didn't care they were even more shock when he heard him speak again " but enough about's my brother and sister"

They sigh jack rub the back of his head " we'll strife your brother is fine but your sister"

" will be ok"

In the door way was Danny  as he walked in with a smile " although your sister might need a new body " he said being optimist and  this made strife sigh as he was happy to know that it will be all right.

Juts then two more walked in and it was red and rellik, strife get up and walked over to them " hey thanks again form coming to help out guys. I can't thank you enough for the help" he said with a happy tone of voice.

Danny smile and give a thumbs up " hey no need for thanks man, we all work together as a team" when he said that strife just sigh as that annoyed him and Danny noticed it " oh come on strife you're practically a member already why don't you want to join the team formally"

" because I am a solo hero, look if something big comes up call me, but I'm not joining a hero team and besides old hero town need a guardian..there still people who live there" he said crossing his amrs.

" it wouldn't hurt to at least come to some of the meetings" red said  as she would lean on the wall with her arms crossed.

rellik nods " strife I know more then anyone as to way you feel that being alone  help when it comes to being a hero but it doesn't" he place a hand on his right shoulder " take from me that having someone there to pick you up when your in trouble is a good ware the one who told me that"

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